We trust Moz.com as a reputable source on things we haven’t had the time to test ourselves.
They had this to say:
Oh, and what about those pesky video XML sitemaps? They’re so 2015. Wistia doesn’t even bother generating them anymore; you should just be using JSON-LD and schema.org/VideoObject markup in the page itself.
With that, we have opened a feature suggestion for video markup a long time ago. Alas, it hasn’t received much attention nor demand ever since. Since then, however, Gutenberg came and added a video block for us to manipulate. It might be helpful for us to engage in that.
Now, Google primarily promotes publishing videos to Youtube, via which they’ll handle all the data markup. We recommend using their services, or comparable services like Vimeo, to achieve the best results, while also saving you a lot of bandwidth.
Feel free to ask for more features. Every voice helps us understand which route to take. Cheers!