In the end, it was a theme compatibility issue. The theme template apparently overrode taxonomy-event-venue.php
from being loaded, so any edits I made didn’t matter.
In THIS case, for anyone having the same issue while trying to edit venue and categories pages, you’ll have to edit class-eo-theme-compatability.php
instead (around line 170), which I did. That is, if you’re using the theme compatibility mode in EO settings.
Now I’d like to figure out how to have the venue name / category name in the page title (i.e. Venue name – Website name) inside the respective pages. Page titles work normally if I disable theme compatibility, but with theme compatibility mode on, it just displays the website title in my browser window. Is there a wp_title function missing in class-eo-theme-compatability.php
or something?
Edit: I guess I’m gonna have to create another thread if needed, I wasn’t looking to stray off-topic, apologies to the OP @krisyoungboss
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