include php on a page
OK. I’m stumped on this one. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on this.
I am attempting to get a php site running in a page on my wordpress site.
I got the site running correctly in a separate folder. Check it out here.
I got as far as creating a stripped down page template and assigning it to that page. The site comes up but the path is incorrect. It keeps trying to use the blog path instead of the relative path. ie /freecookingvideos instead of /freecookingvideos/recipepage.
I have tried putting the entire path in the config file of the php site and in wordpress. Nothing works. ??
Maybe I just can’t do this without some plugin but it seems like a simple command somewhere is eluding me.
here is the code in the page template I am using.
Template Name: Recipe
?><?php get_header(); ?>
<?php $siteurl= ‘’; ?>
<?php require (‘’); ?><?php get_footer();
The $siteurl line is probably useless, but it was worth a shot.
I have even removed the header and footer and still the path stays the same.
Well back to beating my head against the wall. ??
here is the link to the blog page.
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