Include-only filter doesn’t work
I’m trying to set up feed with Include only filter but instead it just throws out all of the products in our store. What is the cause of this?
Debug info:
January 29, 2025, 9:50 am
[PHP] => 8.1
[Wordpress] => 6.7.1
[WooCommerce] => 9.6.0
[WooCommerce Product Feed PRO] =>
[Single products] => 2132
[Variation products] => 0
[Total products] => 2132
[12986] => AdTribes\PFP\Factories\Product_Feed Object
[id:protected] => 12986
[title:protected] => Copy Google MC feed
[post_status:protected] => publish
[post_type:protected] => adt_product_feed
[context:protected] => edit
[data:protected] => Array
[status] => ready
[products_count] => 2132
[total_products_processed] => 0
[batch_size] => 0
[executed_from] =>
[country] => DE
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[channel] => Array
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[name] => Google Shopping
[fields] => google_shopping
[taxonomy] => google_shopping
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[type] => Advertising
[file_name] => DYPapwtcaT5DnBqGGDJW7Sv2fftuXeOl
[file_format] => xml
[file_url] =>
[delimiter] =>
[refresh_interval] => daily
[refresh_only_when_product_changed] => 1
[create_preview] =>
[include_product_variations] =>
[only_include_default_product_variation] =>
[only_include_lowest_product_variation] =>
[utm_enabled] =>
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[utm_medium] => cpc
[utm_campaign] => Google MC feed
[utm_term] => id
[utm_content] =>
[utm_total_product_orders_lookback] => 0
[attributes] => Array
[0] => Array
[rowCount] => 0
[attribute] => g:id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => sku
[suffix] =>
[1] => Array
[rowCount] => 1
[attribute] => g:title
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => title
[suffix] =>
[2] => Array
[rowCount] => 2
[attribute] => g:description
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => description
[suffix] =>
[3] => Array
[rowCount] => 3
[attribute] => g:link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => link
[suffix] =>
[4] => Array
[rowCount] => 4
[attribute] => g:image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image
[suffix] =>
[6] => Array
[rowCount] => 6
[attribute] => g:availability
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => availability
[suffix] =>
[7] => Array
[rowCount] => 7
[attribute] => g:price
[prefix] => EUR
[mapfrom] => price
[suffix] =>
[8] => Array
[rowCount] => 8
[attribute] => g:google_product_category
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => categories
[suffix] =>
[9] => Array
[rowCount] => 9
[attribute] => g:product_type
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => raw_categories
[suffix] =>
[10] => Array
[rowCount] => 10
[attribute] => g:brand
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => pa_brand
[suffix] =>
[11] => Array
[rowCount] => 11
[attribute] => g:gtin
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__wpm_gtin_code
[suffix] =>
[13] => Array
[rowCount] => 13
[attribute] => g:identifier_exists
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => calculated
[suffix] =>
[14] => Array
[rowCount] => 14
[attribute] => g:condition
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => condition
[suffix] =>
[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
[attribute] => g:item_group_id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => item_group_id
[suffix] =>
[16] => Array
[rowCount] => 16
[attribute] => g:additional_image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image_1
[suffix] =>
[17] => Array
[rowCount] => 17
[attribute] => g:min_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[18] => Array
[rowCount] => 18
[attribute] => g:max_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 2
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[19] => Array
[rowCount] => 19
[attribute] => g:transit_time_label
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1 - 2 Tage
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[20] => Array
[rowCount] => 20
[attribute] => g:shipping_weight
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => weight
[suffix] => kg
[21] => Array
[rowCount] => 21
[attribute] => g:custom_label_0
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__ads_group
[suffix] =>
[mappings] => Array
[36] => Array
[rowCount] => 36
[categoryId] => 36
[criteria] => Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[42] => Array
[rowCount] => 42
[categoryId] => 42
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[74] => Array
[rowCount] => 74
[categoryId] => 74
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] =>
[37] => Array
[rowCount] => 37
[categoryId] => 37
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[38] => Array
[rowCount] => 38
[categoryId] => 38
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[76] => Array
[rowCount] => 76
[categoryId] => 76
[criteria] => Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[64] => Array
[rowCount] => 64
[categoryId] => 64
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[72] => Array
[rowCount] => 72
[categoryId] => 72
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[112] => Array
[rowCount] => 112
[categoryId] => 112
[criteria] => Dichtband HN01
[map_to_category] => 122
[115] => Array
[rowCount] => 115
[categoryId] => 115
[criteria] => Dichtband HN04
[map_to_category] => 122
[93] => Array
[rowCount] => 93
[categoryId] => 93
[criteria] => Dichtband HS01
[map_to_category] => 122
[101] => Array
[rowCount] => 101
[categoryId] => 101
[criteria] => Dichtband HS02
[map_to_category] => 122
[107] => Array
[rowCount] => 107
[categoryId] => 107
[criteria] => Dichtband HS03
[map_to_category] => 122
[375] => Array
[rowCount] => 375
[categoryId] => 375
[criteria] => Dichtband HS05
[map_to_category] => 122
[85] => Array
[rowCount] => 85
[categoryId] => 85
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[425] => Array
[rowCount] => 425
[categoryId] => 425
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[417] => Array
[rowCount] => 417
[categoryId] => 417
[criteria] => Farbe
[map_to_category] =>
[432] => Array
[rowCount] => 432
[categoryId] => 432
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[418] => Array
[rowCount] => 418
[categoryId] => 418
[criteria] => Spray Farbe
[map_to_category] =>
[62] => Array
[rowCount] => 62
[categoryId] => 62
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie / Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] =>
[63] => Array
[rowCount] => 63
[categoryId] => 63
[criteria] => einkomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[75] => Array
[rowCount] => 75
[categoryId] => 75
[criteria] => zweikomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[40] => Array
[rowCount] => 40
[categoryId] => 40
[criteria] => Gründe für Dichtungen
[map_to_category] => 115
[32] => Array
[rowCount] => 32
[categoryId] => 32
[criteria] => Andere
[map_to_category] => 1749
[437] => Array
[rowCount] => 437
[categoryId] => 437
[criteria] => Ausverkauf
[map_to_category] =>
[49] => Array
[rowCount] => 49
[categoryId] => 49
[criteria] => Balkon und Terrasse
[map_to_category] =>
[104] => Array
[rowCount] => 104
[categoryId] => 104
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[81] => Array
[rowCount] => 81
[categoryId] => 81
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[69] => Array
[rowCount] => 69
[categoryId] => 69
[criteria] => Terrasseabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[33] => Array
[rowCount] => 33
[categoryId] => 33
[criteria] => Bauchemie
[map_to_category] => 115
[419] => Array
[rowCount] => 419
[categoryId] => 419
[criteria] => Bitumen-Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[34] => Array
[rowCount] => 34
[categoryId] => 34
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[61] => Array
[rowCount] => 61
[categoryId] => 61
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung 2K
[map_to_category] => 122
[35] => Array
[rowCount] => 35
[categoryId] => 35
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme 1K
[map_to_category] => 122
[60] => Array
[rowCount] => 60
[categoryId] => 60
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[39] => Array
[rowCount] => 39
[categoryId] => 39
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[44] => Array
[rowCount] => 44
[categoryId] => 44
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[46] => Array
[rowCount] => 46
[categoryId] => 46
[criteria] => Spachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[391] => Array
[rowCount] => 391
[categoryId] => 391
[criteria] => Trockenbau
[map_to_category] => 115
[56] => Array
[rowCount] => 56
[categoryId] => 56
[criteria] => Bauhandwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[89] => Array
[rowCount] => 89
[categoryId] => 89
[criteria] => Allgemeines Bauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[82] => Array
[rowCount] => 82
[categoryId] => 82
[criteria] => Contoo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[83] => Array
[rowCount] => 83
[categoryId] => 83
[criteria] => Fliesenleger-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[84] => Array
[rowCount] => 84
[categoryId] => 84
[criteria] => Fliesenreinigungs-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[98] => Array
[rowCount] => 98
[categoryId] => 98
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 1167
[91] => Array
[rowCount] => 91
[categoryId] => 91
[criteria] => Verfug -Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[119] => Array
[rowCount] => 119
[categoryId] => 119
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[117] => Array
[rowCount] => 117
[categoryId] => 117
[criteria] => Maler-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 2077
[123] => Array
[rowCount] => 123
[categoryId] => 123
[criteria] => Malerspachtel & Farbkrazer
[map_to_category] => 2077
[118] => Array
[rowCount] => 118
[categoryId] => 118
[criteria] => Pinsel & Farbroller
[map_to_category] => 2077
[127] => Array
[rowCount] => 127
[categoryId] => 127
[criteria] => Sonstige
[map_to_category] => 2077
[90] => Array
[rowCount] => 90
[categoryId] => 90
[criteria] => Maurerwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1193
[120] => Array
[rowCount] => 120
[categoryId] => 120
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[124] => Array
[rowCount] => 124
[categoryId] => 124
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[92] => Array
[rowCount] => 92
[categoryId] => 92
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[97] => Array
[rowCount] => 97
[categoryId] => 97
[criteria] => Putzer, Trockenbauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[121] => Array
[rowCount] => 121
[categoryId] => 121
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[125] => Array
[rowCount] => 125
[categoryId] => 125
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[99] => Array
[rowCount] => 99
[categoryId] => 99
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 1167
[128] => Array
[rowCount] => 128
[categoryId] => 128
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[71] => Array
[rowCount] => 71
[categoryId] => 71
[criteria] => Dewalt
[map_to_category] => 1167
[59] => Array
[rowCount] => 59
[categoryId] => 59
[criteria] => LEVEL5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[374] => Array
[rowCount] => 374
[categoryId] => 374
[criteria] => N?gel für gasbetriebene Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 1167
[381] => Array
[rowCount] => 381
[categoryId] => 381
[criteria] => Perfect Level Master
[map_to_category] => 1167
[58] => Array
[rowCount] => 58
[categoryId] => 58
[criteria] => Zubeh?r
[map_to_category] => 1167
[430] => Array
[rowCount] => 430
[categoryId] => 430
[criteria] => Befestigungstechnik
[map_to_category] => 500054
[52] => Array
[rowCount] => 52
[categoryId] => 52
[criteria] => Beimischungen für Beton und M?rtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[109] => Array
[rowCount] => 109
[categoryId] => 109
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[416] => Array
[rowCount] => 416
[categoryId] => 416
[criteria] => Bitumen-Abdichtung
[map_to_category] =>
[48] => Array
[rowCount] => 48
[categoryId] => 48
[criteria] => Dach
[map_to_category] =>
[70] => Array
[rowCount] => 70
[categoryId] => 70
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[433] => Array
[rowCount] => 433
[categoryId] => 433
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[41] => Array
[rowCount] => 41
[categoryId] => 41
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[95] => Array
[rowCount] => 95
[categoryId] => 95
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[77] => Array
[rowCount] => 77
[categoryId] => 77
[criteria] => Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[65] => Array
[rowCount] => 65
[categoryId] => 65
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[66] => Array
[rowCount] => 66
[categoryId] => 66
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[96] => Array
[rowCount] => 96
[categoryId] => 96
[criteria] => Dichtband HN01
[map_to_category] => 122
[116] => Array
[rowCount] => 116
[categoryId] => 116
[criteria] => Dichtband HN04
[map_to_category] => 122
[86] => Array
[rowCount] => 86
[categoryId] => 86
[criteria] => Dichtband HS01
[map_to_category] => 122
[106] => Array
[rowCount] => 106
[categoryId] => 106
[criteria] => Dichtband HS02
[map_to_category] => 122
[111] => Array
[rowCount] => 111
[categoryId] => 111
[criteria] => Dichtband HS03
[map_to_category] => 122
[376] => Array
[rowCount] => 376
[categoryId] => 376
[criteria] => Dichtband HS05
[map_to_category] => 122
[78] => Array
[rowCount] => 78
[categoryId] => 78
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[435] => Array
[rowCount] => 435
[categoryId] => 435
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[443] => Array
[rowCount] => 443
[categoryId] => 443
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme Promo
[map_to_category] => 122
[318] => Array
[rowCount] => 318
[categoryId] => 318
[criteria] => Export
[map_to_category] =>
[440] => Array
[rowCount] => 440
[categoryId] => 440
[criteria] => Fertigspachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[447] => Array
[rowCount] => 447
[categoryId] => 447
[criteria] => Fertigspachtel Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[431] => Array
[rowCount] => 431
[categoryId] => 431
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[442] => Array
[rowCount] => 442
[categoryId] => 442
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie Promo
[map_to_category] => 122
[441] => Array
[rowCount] => 441
[categoryId] => 441
[criteria] => Frostschutz
[map_to_category] => 115
[446] => Array
[rowCount] => 446
[categoryId] => 446
[criteria] => Frostschutz Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[55] => Array
[rowCount] => 55
[categoryId] => 55
[criteria] => Gaskartuschen für Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 503739
[110] => Array
[rowCount] => 110
[categoryId] => 110
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 503739
[50] => Array
[rowCount] => 50
[categoryId] => 50
[criteria] => Gips- und Spachtelmassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[103] => Array
[rowCount] => 103
[categoryId] => 103
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[439] => Array
[rowCount] => 439
[categoryId] => 439
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[444] => Array
[rowCount] => 444
[categoryId] => 444
[criteria] => Grundierung Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[51] => Array
[rowCount] => 51
[categoryId] => 51
[criteria] => Grundierungsmittel
[map_to_category] =>
[67] => Array
[rowCount] => 67
[categoryId] => 67
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[79] => Array
[rowCount] => 79
[categoryId] => 79
[criteria] => Tiefgründe
[map_to_category] => 115
[386] => Array
[rowCount] => 386
[categoryId] => 386
[criteria] => Heizungs- & Klimaanlagen-Teile
[map_to_category] => 499873
[53] => Array
[rowCount] => 53
[categoryId] => 53
[criteria] => Impr?gnierung
[map_to_category] => 536
[43] => Array
[rowCount] => 43
[categoryId] => 43
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[379] => Array
[rowCount] => 379
[categoryId] => 379
[criteria] => Klebstoffe - Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[73] => Array
[rowCount] => 73
[categoryId] => 73
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] =>
[436] => Array
[rowCount] => 436
[categoryId] => 436
[criteria] => LEVEL 5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[445] => Array
[rowCount] => 445
[categoryId] => 445
[criteria] => LEVEL5 Promo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[434] => Array
[rowCount] => 434
[categoryId] => 434
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[54] => Array
[rowCount] => 54
[categoryId] => 54
[criteria] => Reiniger
[map_to_category] => 4973
[57] => Array
[rowCount] => 57
[categoryId] => 57
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] =>
[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
[categoryId] => 15
[criteria] => Uncategorized
[map_to_category] =>
[rules] => Array
[filters] => Array
[1738143690940] => Array
[rowCount] => 1738143690940
[attribute] => custom_attributes__ads_group
[condition] => =
[criteria] => nowosci
[than] => include_only
[history_products] => Array
[0] => Array
[29 Jan 2025 09:42:56] => 2036
[ship_suffix] =>
[last_updated] => 29 Jan 2025 09:42:53
[legacy_project_hash] => DYPapwtcaT5DnBqGGDJW7Sv2fftuXeOl
[12831] => AdTribes\PFP\Factories\Product_Feed Object
[id:protected] => 12831
[title:protected] => Google MC feed
[post_status:protected] => publish
[post_type:protected] => adt_product_feed
[context:protected] => edit
[data:protected] => Array
[status] => ready
[products_count] => 2131
[total_products_processed] => 0
[batch_size] => 0
[executed_from] =>
[country] => DE
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[channel] => Array
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[name] => Google Shopping
[fields] => google_shopping
[taxonomy] => google_shopping
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[type] => Advertising
[file_name] => q65uPobXpz5194MwUGmUOd79WhCrAYtM
[file_format] => xml
[file_url] =>
[delimiter] =>
[refresh_interval] => daily
[refresh_only_when_product_changed] => 1
[create_preview] =>
[include_product_variations] =>
[only_include_default_product_variation] =>
[only_include_lowest_product_variation] =>
[utm_enabled] =>
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[utm_medium] => cpc
[utm_campaign] => Google MC feed
[utm_term] => id
[utm_content] =>
[utm_total_product_orders_lookback] => 0
[attributes] => Array
[0] => Array
[rowCount] => 0
[attribute] => g:id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => sku
[suffix] =>
[1] => Array
[rowCount] => 1
[attribute] => g:title
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => title
[suffix] =>
[2] => Array
[rowCount] => 2
[attribute] => g:description
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => description
[suffix] =>
[3] => Array
[rowCount] => 3
[attribute] => g:link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => link
[suffix] =>
[4] => Array
[rowCount] => 4
[attribute] => g:image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image
[suffix] =>
[6] => Array
[rowCount] => 6
[attribute] => g:availability
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => availability
[suffix] =>
[7] => Array
[rowCount] => 7
[attribute] => g:price
[prefix] => EUR
[mapfrom] => price
[suffix] =>
[8] => Array
[rowCount] => 8
[attribute] => g:google_product_category
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => categories
[suffix] =>
[9] => Array
[rowCount] => 9
[attribute] => g:product_type
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => raw_categories
[suffix] =>
[10] => Array
[rowCount] => 10
[attribute] => g:brand
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => pa_brand
[suffix] =>
[11] => Array
[rowCount] => 11
[attribute] => g:gtin
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__wpm_gtin_code
[suffix] =>
[13] => Array
[rowCount] => 13
[attribute] => g:identifier_exists
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => calculated
[suffix] =>
[14] => Array
[rowCount] => 14
[attribute] => g:condition
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => condition
[suffix] =>
[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
[attribute] => g:item_group_id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => item_group_id
[suffix] =>
[16] => Array
[rowCount] => 16
[attribute] => g:additional_image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image_1
[suffix] =>
[17] => Array
[rowCount] => 17
[attribute] => g:min_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[18] => Array
[rowCount] => 18
[attribute] => g:max_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 2
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[19] => Array
[rowCount] => 19
[attribute] => g:transit_time_label
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1 - 2 Tage
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[20] => Array
[rowCount] => 20
[attribute] => g:shipping_weight
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => weight
[suffix] => kg
[21] => Array
[rowCount] => 21
[attribute] => g:custom_label_0
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__ads_group
[suffix] =>
[mappings] => Array
[36] => Array
[rowCount] => 36
[categoryId] => 36
[criteria] => Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[42] => Array
[rowCount] => 42
[categoryId] => 42
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[74] => Array
[rowCount] => 74
[categoryId] => 74
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] =>
[37] => Array
[rowCount] => 37
[categoryId] => 37
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[38] => Array
[rowCount] => 38
[categoryId] => 38
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[76] => Array
[rowCount] => 76
[categoryId] => 76
[criteria] => Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[64] => Array
[rowCount] => 64
[categoryId] => 64
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[72] => Array
[rowCount] => 72
[categoryId] => 72
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[112] => Array
[rowCount] => 112
[categoryId] => 112
[criteria] => Dichtband HN01
[map_to_category] => 122
[115] => Array
[rowCount] => 115
[categoryId] => 115
[criteria] => Dichtband HN04
[map_to_category] => 122
[93] => Array
[rowCount] => 93
[categoryId] => 93
[criteria] => Dichtband HS01
[map_to_category] => 122
[101] => Array
[rowCount] => 101
[categoryId] => 101
[criteria] => Dichtband HS02
[map_to_category] => 122
[107] => Array
[rowCount] => 107
[categoryId] => 107
[criteria] => Dichtband HS03
[map_to_category] => 122
[375] => Array
[rowCount] => 375
[categoryId] => 375
[criteria] => Dichtband HS05
[map_to_category] => 122
[85] => Array
[rowCount] => 85
[categoryId] => 85
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[425] => Array
[rowCount] => 425
[categoryId] => 425
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[417] => Array
[rowCount] => 417
[categoryId] => 417
[criteria] => Farbe
[map_to_category] =>
[432] => Array
[rowCount] => 432
[categoryId] => 432
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[418] => Array
[rowCount] => 418
[categoryId] => 418
[criteria] => Spray Farbe
[map_to_category] =>
[62] => Array
[rowCount] => 62
[categoryId] => 62
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie / Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] =>
[63] => Array
[rowCount] => 63
[categoryId] => 63
[criteria] => einkomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[75] => Array
[rowCount] => 75
[categoryId] => 75
[criteria] => zweikomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[40] => Array
[rowCount] => 40
[categoryId] => 40
[criteria] => Gründe für Dichtungen
[map_to_category] => 115
[32] => Array
[rowCount] => 32
[categoryId] => 32
[criteria] => Andere
[map_to_category] => 1749
[437] => Array
[rowCount] => 437
[categoryId] => 437
[criteria] => Ausverkauf
[map_to_category] =>
[49] => Array
[rowCount] => 49
[categoryId] => 49
[criteria] => Balkon und Terrasse
[map_to_category] =>
[104] => Array
[rowCount] => 104
[categoryId] => 104
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[81] => Array
[rowCount] => 81
[categoryId] => 81
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[69] => Array
[rowCount] => 69
[categoryId] => 69
[criteria] => Terrasseabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[33] => Array
[rowCount] => 33
[categoryId] => 33
[criteria] => Bauchemie
[map_to_category] => 115
[419] => Array
[rowCount] => 419
[categoryId] => 419
[criteria] => Bitumen-Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[34] => Array
[rowCount] => 34
[categoryId] => 34
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[61] => Array
[rowCount] => 61
[categoryId] => 61
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung 2K
[map_to_category] => 122
[35] => Array
[rowCount] => 35
[categoryId] => 35
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme 1K
[map_to_category] => 122
[60] => Array
[rowCount] => 60
[categoryId] => 60
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[39] => Array
[rowCount] => 39
[categoryId] => 39
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[44] => Array
[rowCount] => 44
[categoryId] => 44
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[46] => Array
[rowCount] => 46
[categoryId] => 46
[criteria] => Spachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[391] => Array
[rowCount] => 391
[categoryId] => 391
[criteria] => Trockenbau
[map_to_category] => 115
[56] => Array
[rowCount] => 56
[categoryId] => 56
[criteria] => Bauhandwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[89] => Array
[rowCount] => 89
[categoryId] => 89
[criteria] => Allgemeines Bauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[82] => Array
[rowCount] => 82
[categoryId] => 82
[criteria] => Contoo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[83] => Array
[rowCount] => 83
[categoryId] => 83
[criteria] => Fliesenleger-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[84] => Array
[rowCount] => 84
[categoryId] => 84
[criteria] => Fliesenreinigungs-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[98] => Array
[rowCount] => 98
[categoryId] => 98
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 1167
[91] => Array
[rowCount] => 91
[categoryId] => 91
[criteria] => Verfug -Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[119] => Array
[rowCount] => 119
[categoryId] => 119
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[117] => Array
[rowCount] => 117
[categoryId] => 117
[criteria] => Maler-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 2077
[123] => Array
[rowCount] => 123
[categoryId] => 123
[criteria] => Malerspachtel & Farbkrazer
[map_to_category] => 2077
[118] => Array
[rowCount] => 118
[categoryId] => 118
[criteria] => Pinsel & Farbroller
[map_to_category] => 2077
[127] => Array
[rowCount] => 127
[categoryId] => 127
[criteria] => Sonstige
[map_to_category] => 2077
[90] => Array
[rowCount] => 90
[categoryId] => 90
[criteria] => Maurerwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1193
[120] => Array
[rowCount] => 120
[categoryId] => 120
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[124] => Array
[rowCount] => 124
[categoryId] => 124
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[92] => Array
[rowCount] => 92
[categoryId] => 92
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[97] => Array
[rowCount] => 97
[categoryId] => 97
[criteria] => Putzer, Trockenbauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[121] => Array
[rowCount] => 121
[categoryId] => 121
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[125] => Array
[rowCount] => 125
[categoryId] => 125
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[99] => Array
[rowCount] => 99
[categoryId] => 99
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 1167
[128] => Array
[rowCount] => 128
[categoryId] => 128
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 1167
[71] => Array
[rowCount] => 71
[categoryId] => 71
[criteria] => Dewalt
[map_to_category] => 1167
[59] => Array
[rowCount] => 59
[categoryId] => 59
[criteria] => LEVEL5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[374] => Array
[rowCount] => 374
[categoryId] => 374
[criteria] => N?gel für gasbetriebene Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 1167
[381] => Array
[rowCount] => 381
[categoryId] => 381
[criteria] => Perfect Level Master
[map_to_category] => 1167
[58] => Array
[rowCount] => 58
[categoryId] => 58
[criteria] => Zubeh?r
[map_to_category] => 1167
[430] => Array
[rowCount] => 430
[categoryId] => 430
[criteria] => Befestigungstechnik
[map_to_category] => 500054
[52] => Array
[rowCount] => 52
[categoryId] => 52
[criteria] => Beimischungen für Beton und M?rtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[109] => Array
[rowCount] => 109
[categoryId] => 109
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[416] => Array
[rowCount] => 416
[categoryId] => 416
[criteria] => Bitumen-Abdichtung
[map_to_category] =>
[48] => Array
[rowCount] => 48
[categoryId] => 48
[criteria] => Dach
[map_to_category] =>
[70] => Array
[rowCount] => 70
[categoryId] => 70
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[433] => Array
[rowCount] => 433
[categoryId] => 433
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[41] => Array
[rowCount] => 41
[categoryId] => 41
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[95] => Array
[rowCount] => 95
[categoryId] => 95
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[77] => Array
[rowCount] => 77
[categoryId] => 77
[criteria] => Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[65] => Array
[rowCount] => 65
[categoryId] => 65
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[66] => Array
[rowCount] => 66
[categoryId] => 66
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[96] => Array
[rowCount] => 96
[categoryId] => 96
[criteria] => Dichtband HN01
[map_to_category] => 122
[116] => Array
[rowCount] => 116
[categoryId] => 116
[criteria] => Dichtband HN04
[map_to_category] => 122
[86] => Array
[rowCount] => 86
[categoryId] => 86
[criteria] => Dichtband HS01
[map_to_category] => 122
[106] => Array
[rowCount] => 106
[categoryId] => 106
[criteria] => Dichtband HS02
[map_to_category] => 122
[111] => Array
[rowCount] => 111
[categoryId] => 111
[criteria] => Dichtband HS03
[map_to_category] => 122
[376] => Array
[rowCount] => 376
[categoryId] => 376
[criteria] => Dichtband HS05
[map_to_category] => 122
[78] => Array
[rowCount] => 78
[categoryId] => 78
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[435] => Array
[rowCount] => 435
[categoryId] => 435
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[443] => Array
[rowCount] => 443
[categoryId] => 443
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme Promo
[map_to_category] => 122
[318] => Array
[rowCount] => 318
[categoryId] => 318
[criteria] => Export
[map_to_category] =>
[440] => Array
[rowCount] => 440
[categoryId] => 440
[criteria] => Fertigspachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[447] => Array
[rowCount] => 447
[categoryId] => 447
[criteria] => Fertigspachtel Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[431] => Array
[rowCount] => 431
[categoryId] => 431
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[442] => Array
[rowCount] => 442
[categoryId] => 442
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie Promo
[map_to_category] => 122
[441] => Array
[rowCount] => 441
[categoryId] => 441
[criteria] => Frostschutz
[map_to_category] => 115
[446] => Array
[rowCount] => 446
[categoryId] => 446
[criteria] => Frostschutz Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[55] => Array
[rowCount] => 55
[categoryId] => 55
[criteria] => Gaskartuschen für Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 503739
[110] => Array
[rowCount] => 110
[categoryId] => 110
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 503739
[50] => Array
[rowCount] => 50
[categoryId] => 50
[criteria] => Gips- und Spachtelmassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[103] => Array
[rowCount] => 103
[categoryId] => 103
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[439] => Array
[rowCount] => 439
[categoryId] => 439
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[444] => Array
[rowCount] => 444
[categoryId] => 444
[criteria] => Grundierung Promo
[map_to_category] => 115
[51] => Array
[rowCount] => 51
[categoryId] => 51
[criteria] => Grundierungsmittel
[map_to_category] =>
[67] => Array
[rowCount] => 67
[categoryId] => 67
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[79] => Array
[rowCount] => 79
[categoryId] => 79
[criteria] => Tiefgründe
[map_to_category] => 115
[386] => Array
[rowCount] => 386
[categoryId] => 386
[criteria] => Heizungs- & Klimaanlagen-Teile
[map_to_category] => 499873
[53] => Array
[rowCount] => 53
[categoryId] => 53
[criteria] => Impr?gnierung
[map_to_category] => 536
[43] => Array
[rowCount] => 43
[categoryId] => 43
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[379] => Array
[rowCount] => 379
[categoryId] => 379
[criteria] => Klebstoffe - Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[73] => Array
[rowCount] => 73
[categoryId] => 73
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] =>
[436] => Array
[rowCount] => 436
[categoryId] => 436
[criteria] => LEVEL 5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[445] => Array
[rowCount] => 445
[categoryId] => 445
[criteria] => LEVEL5 Promo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[434] => Array
[rowCount] => 434
[categoryId] => 434
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[54] => Array
[rowCount] => 54
[categoryId] => 54
[criteria] => Reiniger
[map_to_category] => 4973
[57] => Array
[rowCount] => 57
[categoryId] => 57
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] =>
[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
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[map_to_category] =>
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[criteria] => DEWALT
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[28 Jan 2025 09:34:00] => 2049
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[suffix] =>
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[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => price
[suffix] =>
[7] => Array
[rowCount] => 7
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[8] => Array
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[attribute] => minimumPrice
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[rowCount] => 11
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[23 Jan 2025 00:08:59] => 2127
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[24 Jan 2025 11:56:59] => 2127
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[27 Jan 2025 00:11:15] => 2127
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[28 Jan 2025 00:05:05] => 2127
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[29 Jan 2025 00:07:14] => 2132
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[legacy_project_hash] => piUCpESFpyAVI19VlPmPNFt5OT7SNULr
[12433] => AdTribes\PFP\Factories\Product_Feed Object
[id:protected] => 12433
[title:protected] => Copy Copy Halbau
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[rowCount] => 7
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[suffix] =>
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[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
[attribute] => g:additional_image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image_1
[suffix] =>
[16] => Array
[rowCount] => 16
[attribute] => g:min_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[17] => Array
[rowCount] => 17
[attribute] => g:max_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 2
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[18] => Array
[rowCount] => 18
[attribute] => g:shipping_weight
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => weight
[suffix] => kg
[20] => Array
[rowCount] => 20
[attribute] => g:transit_time_label
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1 - 2 Tage
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[21] => Array
[rowCount] => 21
[attribute] => g:unit_pricing_base_measure
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__unit
[suffix] =>
[22] => Array
[rowCount] => 22
[attribute] => g:unit_pricing_measure
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__unit_product
[suffix] => l
[mappings] => Array
[33] => Array
[rowCount] => 33
[categoryId] => 33
[criteria] => Bauchemie
[map_to_category] => 115
[34] => Array
[rowCount] => 34
[categoryId] => 34
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[35] => Array
[rowCount] => 35
[categoryId] => 35
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme 1K
[map_to_category] => 122
[61] => Array
[rowCount] => 61
[categoryId] => 61
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung 2K
[map_to_category] => 122
[46] => Array
[rowCount] => 46
[categoryId] => 46
[criteria] => Spachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[60] => Array
[rowCount] => 60
[categoryId] => 60
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[44] => Array
[rowCount] => 44
[categoryId] => 44
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[39] => Array
[rowCount] => 39
[categoryId] => 39
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[36] => Array
[rowCount] => 36
[categoryId] => 36
[criteria] => Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[38] => Array
[rowCount] => 38
[categoryId] => 38
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[64] => Array
[rowCount] => 64
[categoryId] => 64
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[72] => Array
[rowCount] => 72
[categoryId] => 72
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[85] => Array
[rowCount] => 85
[categoryId] => 85
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[93] => Array
[rowCount] => 93
[categoryId] => 93
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[101] => Array
[rowCount] => 101
[categoryId] => 101
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[107] => Array
[rowCount] => 107
[categoryId] => 107
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[112] => Array
[rowCount] => 112
[categoryId] => 112
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[115] => Array
[rowCount] => 115
[categoryId] => 115
[criteria] => Dichtband B04
[map_to_category] => 122
[76] => Array
[rowCount] => 76
[categoryId] => 76
[criteria] => Dichtbahn PP1000
[map_to_category] => 122
[40] => Array
[rowCount] => 40
[categoryId] => 40
[criteria] => Gründe für Dichtungen
[map_to_category] => 122
[62] => Array
[rowCount] => 62
[categoryId] => 62
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie / Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[63] => Array
[rowCount] => 63
[categoryId] => 63
[criteria] => einkomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[75] => Array
[rowCount] => 75
[categoryId] => 75
[criteria] => zweikomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[74] => Array
[rowCount] => 74
[categoryId] => 74
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[65] => Array
[rowCount] => 65
[categoryId] => 65
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[66] => Array
[rowCount] => 66
[categoryId] => 66
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[78] => Array
[rowCount] => 78
[categoryId] => 78
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[86] => Array
[rowCount] => 86
[categoryId] => 86
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[96] => Array
[rowCount] => 96
[categoryId] => 96
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Blau
[map_to_category] => 122
[106] => Array
[rowCount] => 106
[categoryId] => 106
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[111] => Array
[rowCount] => 111
[categoryId] => 111
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[114] => Array
[rowCount] => 114
[categoryId] => 114
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[95] => Array
[rowCount] => 95
[categoryId] => 95
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[43] => Array
[rowCount] => 43
[categoryId] => 43
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[73] => Array
[rowCount] => 73
[categoryId] => 73
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[47] => Array
[rowCount] => 47
[categoryId] => 47
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[80] => Array
[rowCount] => 80
[categoryId] => 80
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[100] => Array
[rowCount] => 100
[categoryId] => 100
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[105] => Array
[rowCount] => 105
[categoryId] => 105
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[48] => Array
[rowCount] => 48
[categoryId] => 48
[criteria] => Dach
[map_to_category] => 123
[70] => Array
[rowCount] => 70
[categoryId] => 70
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[81] => Array
[rowCount] => 81
[categoryId] => 81
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[94] => Array
[rowCount] => 94
[categoryId] => 94
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[108] => Array
[rowCount] => 108
[categoryId] => 108
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[113] => Array
[rowCount] => 113
[categoryId] => 113
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[122] => Array
[rowCount] => 122
[categoryId] => 122
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[126] => Array
[rowCount] => 126
[categoryId] => 126
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[104] => Array
[rowCount] => 104
[categoryId] => 104
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[50] => Array
[rowCount] => 50
[categoryId] => 50
[criteria] => Gips- und Spachtelmassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[103] => Array
[rowCount] => 103
[categoryId] => 103
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[67] => Array
[rowCount] => 67
[categoryId] => 67
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[79] => Array
[rowCount] => 79
[categoryId] => 79
[criteria] => Tiefgründe
[map_to_category] => 115
[52] => Array
[rowCount] => 52
[categoryId] => 52
[criteria] => Beimischungen für Beton und M?rtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[109] => Array
[rowCount] => 109
[categoryId] => 109
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[53] => Array
[rowCount] => 53
[categoryId] => 53
[criteria] => Impr?gnierung
[map_to_category] => 536
[54] => Array
[rowCount] => 54
[categoryId] => 54
[criteria] => Reiniger
[map_to_category] => 4973
[57] => Array
[rowCount] => 57
[categoryId] => 57
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 4973
[55] => Array
[rowCount] => 55
[categoryId] => 55
[criteria] => Gaskartuschen für Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 503739
[110] => Array
[rowCount] => 110
[categoryId] => 110
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 503739
[120] => Array
[rowCount] => 120
[categoryId] => 120
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[121] => Array
[rowCount] => 121
[categoryId] => 121
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[99] => Array
[rowCount] => 99
[categoryId] => 99
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[98] => Array
[rowCount] => 98
[categoryId] => 98
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[92] => Array
[rowCount] => 92
[categoryId] => 92
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[128] => Array
[rowCount] => 128
[categoryId] => 128
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[84] => Array
[rowCount] => 84
[categoryId] => 84
[criteria] => Fliesenreinigungs-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[123] => Array
[rowCount] => 123
[categoryId] => 123
[criteria] => Malerspachtel & Farbkrazer
[map_to_category] => 2077
[118] => Array
[rowCount] => 118
[categoryId] => 118
[criteria] => Pinsel & Farbroller
[map_to_category] => 2077
[117] => Array
[rowCount] => 117
[categoryId] => 117
[criteria] => Maler-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 2077
[125] => Array
[rowCount] => 125
[categoryId] => 125
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[127] => Array
[rowCount] => 127
[categoryId] => 127
[criteria] => Sonstige
[map_to_category] => 1167
[89] => Array
[rowCount] => 89
[categoryId] => 89
[criteria] => Allgemeines Bauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[124] => Array
[rowCount] => 124
[categoryId] => 124
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[90] => Array
[rowCount] => 90
[categoryId] => 90
[criteria] => Maurerwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1193
[97] => Array
[rowCount] => 97
[categoryId] => 97
[criteria] => Putzer, Trockenbauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[59] => Array
[rowCount] => 59
[categoryId] => 59
[criteria] => LEVEL5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[71] => Array
[rowCount] => 71
[categoryId] => 71
[criteria] => Dewalt
[map_to_category] => 1167
[82] => Array
[rowCount] => 82
[categoryId] => 82
[criteria] => Contoo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[56] => Array
[rowCount] => 56
[categoryId] => 56
[criteria] => Bauhandwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[58] => Array
[rowCount] => 58
[categoryId] => 58
[criteria] => Zubeh?r
[map_to_category] => 1167
[91] => Array
[rowCount] => 91
[categoryId] => 91
[criteria] => Verfug -Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[32] => Array
[rowCount] => 32
[categoryId] => 32
[criteria] => Andere
[map_to_category] => 1749
[42] => Array
[rowCount] => 42
[categoryId] => 42
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[37] => Array
[rowCount] => 37
[categoryId] => 37
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[41] => Array
[rowCount] => 41
[categoryId] => 41
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[68] => Array
[rowCount] => 68
[categoryId] => 68
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[87] => Array
[rowCount] => 87
[categoryId] => 87
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[69] => Array
[rowCount] => 69
[categoryId] => 69
[criteria] => Terrasseabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[102] => Array
[rowCount] => 102
[categoryId] => 102
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[88] => Array
[rowCount] => 88
[categoryId] => 88
[criteria] => Profile für Balkone und Terrassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[51] => Array
[rowCount] => 51
[categoryId] => 51
[criteria] => Grundierungsmittel
[map_to_category] => 115
[83] => Array
[rowCount] => 83
[categoryId] => 83
[criteria] => Fliesenleger-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[119] => Array
[rowCount] => 119
[categoryId] => 119
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[rules] => Array
[1645532886651] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645532886651
[attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[condition] => =
[criteria] => l
[cs] => on
[than_attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[newvalue] => 1l
[filters] => Array
[1645447699963] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645447699963
[attribute] => pa_brand
[condition] => =
[criteria] => DEWALT
[cs] => on
[than] => exclude
[1645533893962] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645533893962
[attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[condition] => !=
[criteria] => l
[cs] => on
[than] => exclude
[history_products] => Array
[09 Jan 2025 08:08] => 251
[10 Jan 2025 08:01] => 250
[0] => Array
[13 Jan 2025 00:05:09] => 507
[1] => Array
[16 Jan 2025 00:07:18] => 498
[2] => Array
[19 Jan 2025 00:08:07] => 466
[3] => Array
[23 Jan 2025 00:10:13] => 463
[4] => Array
[24 Jan 2025 11:56:59] => 459
[5] => Array
[27 Jan 2025 00:11:16] => 455
[6] => Array
[28 Jan 2025 00:05:05] => 268
[7] => Array
[29 Jan 2025 00:07:58] => 268
[ship_suffix] =>
[last_updated] => 29 Jan 2025 00:07:14
[legacy_project_hash] => wICJ7fmfcrIRO46RIfDKp10SLlP94cjC
[12434] => AdTribes\PFP\Factories\Product_Feed Object
[id:protected] => 12434
[title:protected] => Halbau L
[post_status:protected] => publish
[post_type:protected] => adt_product_feed
[context:protected] => edit
[data:protected] => Array
[status] => ready
[products_count] => 2132
[total_products_processed] => 0
[batch_size] => 0
[executed_from] =>
[country] => DE
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[channel] => Array
[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
[name] => Google Shopping
[fields] => google_shopping
[taxonomy] => google_shopping
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[type] => Advertising
[file_name] => 3x1ZXLVQiV5uSBskIefxapNwqFQWI2pX
[file_format] => xml
[file_url] =>
[delimiter] =>
[refresh_interval] => daily
[refresh_only_when_product_changed] =>
[create_preview] =>
[include_product_variations] =>
[only_include_default_product_variation] =>
[only_include_lowest_product_variation] =>
[utm_enabled] =>
[utm_source] => Google Shopping
[utm_medium] => cpc
[utm_campaign] => Copy Copy Copy Halbau
[utm_term] => id
[utm_content] =>
[utm_total_product_orders_lookback] => 0
[attributes] => Array
[0] => Array
[rowCount] => 0
[attribute] => g:id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => sku
[suffix] =>
[1] => Array
[rowCount] => 1
[attribute] => g:title
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => title
[suffix] =>
[2] => Array
[rowCount] => 2
[attribute] => g:description
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => description
[suffix] =>
[3] => Array
[rowCount] => 3
[attribute] => g:link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => link
[suffix] =>
[4] => Array
[rowCount] => 4
[attribute] => g:image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image
[suffix] =>
[5] => Array
[rowCount] => 5
[attribute] => g:availability
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => availability
[suffix] =>
[6] => Array
[rowCount] => 6
[attribute] => g:price
[prefix] => EUR
[mapfrom] => price
[suffix] =>
[7] => Array
[rowCount] => 7
[attribute] => g:google_product_category
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => categories
[suffix] =>
[8] => Array
[rowCount] => 8
[attribute] => g:product_type
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => raw_categories
[suffix] =>
[9] => Array
[rowCount] => 9
[attribute] => g:brand
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => pa_brand
[suffix] =>
[10] => Array
[rowCount] => 10
[attribute] => g:gtin
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__wpm_gtin_code
[suffix] =>
[12] => Array
[rowCount] => 12
[attribute] => g:identifier_exists
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => calculated
[suffix] =>
[13] => Array
[rowCount] => 13
[attribute] => g:condition
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => condition
[suffix] =>
[14] => Array
[rowCount] => 14
[attribute] => g:item_group_id
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => item_group_id
[suffix] =>
[15] => Array
[rowCount] => 15
[attribute] => g:additional_image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image_1
[suffix] =>
[16] => Array
[rowCount] => 16
[attribute] => g:min_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[17] => Array
[rowCount] => 17
[attribute] => g:max_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 2
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[18] => Array
[rowCount] => 18
[attribute] => g:shipping_weight
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => weight
[suffix] => kg
[20] => Array
[rowCount] => 20
[attribute] => g:transit_time_label
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1 - 2 Tage
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[21] => Array
[rowCount] => 21
[attribute] => g:unit_pricing_base_measure
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__unit
[suffix] =>
[22] => Array
[rowCount] => 22
[attribute] => g:unit_pricing_measure
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => custom_attributes__unit_product
[suffix] => l
[mappings] => Array
[33] => Array
[rowCount] => 33
[categoryId] => 33
[criteria] => Bauchemie
[map_to_category] => 115
[34] => Array
[rowCount] => 34
[categoryId] => 34
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[35] => Array
[rowCount] => 35
[categoryId] => 35
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme 1K
[map_to_category] => 122
[61] => Array
[rowCount] => 61
[categoryId] => 61
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung 2K
[map_to_category] => 122
[46] => Array
[rowCount] => 46
[categoryId] => 46
[criteria] => Spachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[60] => Array
[rowCount] => 60
[categoryId] => 60
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[44] => Array
[rowCount] => 44
[categoryId] => 44
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[39] => Array
[rowCount] => 39
[categoryId] => 39
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[36] => Array
[rowCount] => 36
[categoryId] => 36
[criteria] => Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[38] => Array
[rowCount] => 38
[categoryId] => 38
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[64] => Array
[rowCount] => 64
[categoryId] => 64
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[72] => Array
[rowCount] => 72
[categoryId] => 72
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[85] => Array
[rowCount] => 85
[categoryId] => 85
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[93] => Array
[rowCount] => 93
[categoryId] => 93
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[101] => Array
[rowCount] => 101
[categoryId] => 101
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[107] => Array
[rowCount] => 107
[categoryId] => 107
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[112] => Array
[rowCount] => 112
[categoryId] => 112
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[115] => Array
[rowCount] => 115
[categoryId] => 115
[criteria] => Dichtband B04
[map_to_category] => 122
[76] => Array
[rowCount] => 76
[categoryId] => 76
[criteria] => Dichtbahn PP1000
[map_to_category] => 122
[40] => Array
[rowCount] => 40
[categoryId] => 40
[criteria] => Gründe für Dichtungen
[map_to_category] => 122
[62] => Array
[rowCount] => 62
[categoryId] => 62
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie / Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[63] => Array
[rowCount] => 63
[categoryId] => 63
[criteria] => einkomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[75] => Array
[rowCount] => 75
[categoryId] => 75
[criteria] => zweikomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[74] => Array
[rowCount] => 74
[categoryId] => 74
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[65] => Array
[rowCount] => 65
[categoryId] => 65
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[66] => Array
[rowCount] => 66
[categoryId] => 66
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[78] => Array
[rowCount] => 78
[categoryId] => 78
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[86] => Array
[rowCount] => 86
[categoryId] => 86
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[96] => Array
[rowCount] => 96
[categoryId] => 96
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Blau
[map_to_category] => 122
[106] => Array
[rowCount] => 106
[categoryId] => 106
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[111] => Array
[rowCount] => 111
[categoryId] => 111
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[114] => Array
[rowCount] => 114
[categoryId] => 114
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[95] => Array
[rowCount] => 95
[categoryId] => 95
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[43] => Array
[rowCount] => 43
[categoryId] => 43
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[73] => Array
[rowCount] => 73
[categoryId] => 73
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[47] => Array
[rowCount] => 47
[categoryId] => 47
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[80] => Array
[rowCount] => 80
[categoryId] => 80
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[100] => Array
[rowCount] => 100
[categoryId] => 100
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[105] => Array
[rowCount] => 105
[categoryId] => 105
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[48] => Array
[rowCount] => 48
[categoryId] => 48
[criteria] => Dach
[map_to_category] => 123
[70] => Array
[rowCount] => 70
[categoryId] => 70
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[81] => Array
[rowCount] => 81
[categoryId] => 81
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[94] => Array
[rowCount] => 94
[categoryId] => 94
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[108] => Array
[rowCount] => 108
[categoryId] => 108
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[113] => Array
[rowCount] => 113
[categoryId] => 113
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[122] => Array
[rowCount] => 122
[categoryId] => 122
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[126] => Array
[rowCount] => 126
[categoryId] => 126
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[104] => Array
[rowCount] => 104
[categoryId] => 104
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[50] => Array
[rowCount] => 50
[categoryId] => 50
[criteria] => Gips- und Spachtelmassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[103] => Array
[rowCount] => 103
[categoryId] => 103
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[67] => Array
[rowCount] => 67
[categoryId] => 67
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[79] => Array
[rowCount] => 79
[categoryId] => 79
[criteria] => Tiefgründe
[map_to_category] => 115
[52] => Array
[rowCount] => 52
[categoryId] => 52
[criteria] => Beimischungen für Beton und M?rtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[109] => Array
[rowCount] => 109
[categoryId] => 109
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[53] => Array
[rowCount] => 53
[categoryId] => 53
[criteria] => Impr?gnierung
[map_to_category] => 536
[54] => Array
[rowCount] => 54
[categoryId] => 54
[criteria] => Reiniger
[map_to_category] => 4973
[57] => Array
[rowCount] => 57
[categoryId] => 57
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 4973
[55] => Array
[rowCount] => 55
[categoryId] => 55
[criteria] => Gaskartuschen für Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 503739
[110] => Array
[rowCount] => 110
[categoryId] => 110
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 503739
[120] => Array
[rowCount] => 120
[categoryId] => 120
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[121] => Array
[rowCount] => 121
[categoryId] => 121
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[99] => Array
[rowCount] => 99
[categoryId] => 99
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[98] => Array
[rowCount] => 98
[categoryId] => 98
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[92] => Array
[rowCount] => 92
[categoryId] => 92
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[128] => Array
[rowCount] => 128
[categoryId] => 128
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[84] => Array
[rowCount] => 84
[categoryId] => 84
[criteria] => Fliesenreinigungs-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[123] => Array
[rowCount] => 123
[categoryId] => 123
[criteria] => Malerspachtel & Farbkrazer
[map_to_category] => 2077
[118] => Array
[rowCount] => 118
[categoryId] => 118
[criteria] => Pinsel & Farbroller
[map_to_category] => 2077
[117] => Array
[rowCount] => 117
[categoryId] => 117
[criteria] => Maler-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 2077
[125] => Array
[rowCount] => 125
[categoryId] => 125
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[127] => Array
[rowCount] => 127
[categoryId] => 127
[criteria] => Sonstige
[map_to_category] => 1167
[89] => Array
[rowCount] => 89
[categoryId] => 89
[criteria] => Allgemeines Bauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[124] => Array
[rowCount] => 124
[categoryId] => 124
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[90] => Array
[rowCount] => 90
[categoryId] => 90
[criteria] => Maurerwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1193
[97] => Array
[rowCount] => 97
[categoryId] => 97
[criteria] => Putzer, Trockenbauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[59] => Array
[rowCount] => 59
[categoryId] => 59
[criteria] => LEVEL5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[71] => Array
[rowCount] => 71
[categoryId] => 71
[criteria] => Dewalt
[map_to_category] => 1167
[82] => Array
[rowCount] => 82
[categoryId] => 82
[criteria] => Contoo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[56] => Array
[rowCount] => 56
[categoryId] => 56
[criteria] => Bauhandwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[58] => Array
[rowCount] => 58
[categoryId] => 58
[criteria] => Zubeh?r
[map_to_category] => 1167
[91] => Array
[rowCount] => 91
[categoryId] => 91
[criteria] => Verfug -Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[32] => Array
[rowCount] => 32
[categoryId] => 32
[criteria] => Andere
[map_to_category] => 1749
[42] => Array
[rowCount] => 42
[categoryId] => 42
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[37] => Array
[rowCount] => 37
[categoryId] => 37
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[41] => Array
[rowCount] => 41
[categoryId] => 41
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[68] => Array
[rowCount] => 68
[categoryId] => 68
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[87] => Array
[rowCount] => 87
[categoryId] => 87
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[69] => Array
[rowCount] => 69
[categoryId] => 69
[criteria] => Terrasseabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[102] => Array
[rowCount] => 102
[categoryId] => 102
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[88] => Array
[rowCount] => 88
[categoryId] => 88
[criteria] => Profile für Balkone und Terrassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[51] => Array
[rowCount] => 51
[categoryId] => 51
[criteria] => Grundierungsmittel
[map_to_category] => 115
[83] => Array
[rowCount] => 83
[categoryId] => 83
[criteria] => Fliesenleger-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[119] => Array
[rowCount] => 119
[categoryId] => 119
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[rules] => Array
[1645532886651] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645532886651
[attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[condition] => =
[criteria] => l
[cs] => on
[than_attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[newvalue] => 1l
[filters] => Array
[1645447699963] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645447699963
[attribute] => pa_brand
[condition] => =
[criteria] => DEWALT
[cs] => on
[than] => exclude
[1645533893962] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645533893962
[attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[condition] => !=
[criteria] => l
[cs] => on
[than] => exclude
[history_products] => Array
[09 Jan 2025 08:08] => 251
[10 Jan 2025 08:01] => 250
[0] => Array
[13 Jan 2025 00:05:09] => 507
[1] => Array
[16 Jan 2025 00:07:18] => 498
[2] => Array
[19 Jan 2025 00:08:07] => 466
[3] => Array
[23 Jan 2025 00:10:13] => 463
[4] => Array
[24 Jan 2025 11:56:59] => 459
[5] => Array
[27 Jan 2025 00:11:16] => 455
[6] => Array
[28 Jan 2025 00:05:05] => 268
[7] => Array
[29 Jan 2025 00:07:14] => 268
[ship_suffix] =>
[last_updated] => 29 Jan 2025 00:07:11
[legacy_project_hash] => 3x1ZXLVQiV5uSBskIefxapNwqFQWI2pX
[12435] => AdTribes\PFP\Factories\Product_Feed Object
[id:protected] => 12435
[title:protected] => Copy Halbau L
[post_status:protected] => publish
[post_type:protected] => adt_product_feed
[context:protected] => edit
[data:protected] => Array
[status] => ready
[products_count] => 2132
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[executed_from] =>
[country] => DE
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[channel_hash] => d4cb75caae5a73ac6b01171816b33bfb
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[only_include_lowest_product_variation] =>
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[utm_campaign] => Copy Copy Copy Copy Halbau
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[utm_content] =>
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[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => title
[suffix] =>
[2] => Array
[rowCount] => 2
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[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => description
[suffix] =>
[3] => Array
[rowCount] => 3
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[prefix] =>
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[suffix] =>
[4] => Array
[rowCount] => 4
[attribute] => g:image_link
[prefix] =>
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[suffix] =>
[5] => Array
[rowCount] => 5
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[prefix] =>
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[suffix] =>
[6] => Array
[rowCount] => 6
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[suffix] =>
[12] => Array
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[suffix] =>
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[rowCount] => 13
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[suffix] =>
[14] => Array
[rowCount] => 14
[attribute] => g:item_group_id
[prefix] =>
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[suffix] =>
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[rowCount] => 15
[attribute] => g:additional_image_link
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => image_1
[suffix] =>
[16] => Array
[rowCount] => 16
[attribute] => g:min_handling_time
[prefix] =>
[mapfrom] => 1
[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[17] => Array
[rowCount] => 17
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[prefix] =>
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[static_value] => true
[suffix] =>
[18] => Array
[rowCount] => 18
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[prefix] =>
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[suffix] => kg
[20] => Array
[rowCount] => 20
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[prefix] =>
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[suffix] =>
[21] => Array
[rowCount] => 21
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[33] => Array
[rowCount] => 33
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[map_to_category] => 115
[34] => Array
[rowCount] => 34
[categoryId] => 34
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[35] => Array
[rowCount] => 35
[categoryId] => 35
[criteria] => Dichtschl?mme 1K
[map_to_category] => 122
[61] => Array
[rowCount] => 61
[categoryId] => 61
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung 2K
[map_to_category] => 122
[46] => Array
[rowCount] => 46
[categoryId] => 46
[criteria] => Spachtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[60] => Array
[rowCount] => 60
[categoryId] => 60
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie
[map_to_category] => 122
[44] => Array
[rowCount] => 44
[categoryId] => 44
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[39] => Array
[rowCount] => 39
[categoryId] => 39
[criteria] => Grundierung
[map_to_category] => 115
[36] => Array
[rowCount] => 36
[categoryId] => 36
[criteria] => Abdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[38] => Array
[rowCount] => 38
[categoryId] => 38
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[64] => Array
[rowCount] => 64
[categoryId] => 64
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[72] => Array
[rowCount] => 72
[categoryId] => 72
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[85] => Array
[rowCount] => 85
[categoryId] => 85
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[93] => Array
[rowCount] => 93
[categoryId] => 93
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[101] => Array
[rowCount] => 101
[categoryId] => 101
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[107] => Array
[rowCount] => 107
[categoryId] => 107
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[112] => Array
[rowCount] => 112
[categoryId] => 112
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[115] => Array
[rowCount] => 115
[categoryId] => 115
[criteria] => Dichtband B04
[map_to_category] => 122
[76] => Array
[rowCount] => 76
[categoryId] => 76
[criteria] => Dichtbahn PP1000
[map_to_category] => 122
[40] => Array
[rowCount] => 40
[categoryId] => 40
[criteria] => Gründe für Dichtungen
[map_to_category] => 122
[62] => Array
[rowCount] => 62
[categoryId] => 62
[criteria] => Flüssigfolie / Dichtschl?mme
[map_to_category] => 122
[63] => Array
[rowCount] => 63
[categoryId] => 63
[criteria] => einkomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[75] => Array
[rowCount] => 75
[categoryId] => 75
[criteria] => zweikomponentige
[map_to_category] => 122
[74] => Array
[rowCount] => 74
[categoryId] => 74
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[65] => Array
[rowCount] => 65
[categoryId] => 65
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder
[map_to_category] => 122
[66] => Array
[rowCount] => 66
[categoryId] => 66
[criteria] => Butyldichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[78] => Array
[rowCount] => 78
[categoryId] => 78
[criteria] => Wannendichtband
[map_to_category] => 122
[86] => Array
[rowCount] => 86
[categoryId] => 86
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Grau
[map_to_category] => 122
[96] => Array
[rowCount] => 96
[categoryId] => 96
[criteria] => Dichtband G01 Blau
[map_to_category] => 122
[106] => Array
[rowCount] => 106
[categoryId] => 106
[criteria] => Dichtband G02
[map_to_category] => 122
[111] => Array
[rowCount] => 111
[categoryId] => 111
[criteria] => Dichtband G03
[map_to_category] => 122
[114] => Array
[rowCount] => 114
[categoryId] => 114
[criteria] => Dichtband B01
[map_to_category] => 122
[95] => Array
[rowCount] => 95
[categoryId] => 95
[criteria] => Bandsets
[map_to_category] => 122
[43] => Array
[rowCount] => 43
[categoryId] => 43
[criteria] => Klebstoffe
[map_to_category] => 115
[73] => Array
[rowCount] => 73
[categoryId] => 73
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[47] => Array
[rowCount] => 47
[categoryId] => 47
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[80] => Array
[rowCount] => 80
[categoryId] => 80
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[100] => Array
[rowCount] => 100
[categoryId] => 100
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[105] => Array
[rowCount] => 105
[categoryId] => 105
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[48] => Array
[rowCount] => 48
[categoryId] => 48
[criteria] => Dach
[map_to_category] => 123
[70] => Array
[rowCount] => 70
[categoryId] => 70
[criteria] => Dachfarbe
[map_to_category] => 123
[81] => Array
[rowCount] => 81
[categoryId] => 81
[criteria] => Balkonabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[94] => Array
[rowCount] => 94
[categoryId] => 94
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[108] => Array
[rowCount] => 108
[categoryId] => 108
[criteria] => K100 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[113] => Array
[rowCount] => 113
[categoryId] => 113
[criteria] => K100 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[122] => Array
[rowCount] => 122
[categoryId] => 122
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[126] => Array
[rowCount] => 126
[categoryId] => 126
[criteria] => K30 graphit
[map_to_category] => 115
[104] => Array
[rowCount] => 104
[categoryId] => 104
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[50] => Array
[rowCount] => 50
[categoryId] => 50
[criteria] => Gips- und Spachtelmassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[103] => Array
[rowCount] => 103
[categoryId] => 103
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[67] => Array
[rowCount] => 67
[categoryId] => 67
[criteria] => Quarzgrund
[map_to_category] => 115
[79] => Array
[rowCount] => 79
[categoryId] => 79
[criteria] => Tiefgründe
[map_to_category] => 115
[52] => Array
[rowCount] => 52
[categoryId] => 52
[criteria] => Beimischungen für Beton und M?rtel
[map_to_category] => 115
[109] => Array
[rowCount] => 109
[categoryId] => 109
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 115
[53] => Array
[rowCount] => 53
[categoryId] => 53
[criteria] => Impr?gnierung
[map_to_category] => 536
[54] => Array
[rowCount] => 54
[categoryId] => 54
[criteria] => Reiniger
[map_to_category] => 4973
[57] => Array
[rowCount] => 57
[categoryId] => 57
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 4973
[55] => Array
[rowCount] => 55
[categoryId] => 55
[criteria] => Gaskartuschen für Setzger?te
[map_to_category] => 503739
[110] => Array
[rowCount] => 110
[categoryId] => 110
[criteria] => Sets
[map_to_category] => 503739
[120] => Array
[rowCount] => 120
[categoryId] => 120
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[121] => Array
[rowCount] => 121
[categoryId] => 121
[criteria] => Kellen & Spachteln
[map_to_category] => 1202
[99] => Array
[rowCount] => 99
[categoryId] => 99
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[98] => Array
[rowCount] => 98
[categoryId] => 98
[criteria] => Rührer
[map_to_category] => 499886
[92] => Array
[rowCount] => 92
[categoryId] => 92
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[128] => Array
[rowCount] => 128
[categoryId] => 128
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[84] => Array
[rowCount] => 84
[categoryId] => 84
[criteria] => Fliesenreinigungs-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[123] => Array
[rowCount] => 123
[categoryId] => 123
[criteria] => Malerspachtel & Farbkrazer
[map_to_category] => 2077
[118] => Array
[rowCount] => 118
[categoryId] => 118
[criteria] => Pinsel & Farbroller
[map_to_category] => 2077
[117] => Array
[rowCount] => 117
[categoryId] => 117
[criteria] => Maler-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 2077
[125] => Array
[rowCount] => 125
[categoryId] => 125
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[127] => Array
[rowCount] => 127
[categoryId] => 127
[criteria] => Sonstige
[map_to_category] => 1167
[89] => Array
[rowCount] => 89
[categoryId] => 89
[criteria] => Allgemeines Bauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[124] => Array
[rowCount] => 124
[categoryId] => 124
[criteria] => Reibebretter
[map_to_category] => 1167
[90] => Array
[rowCount] => 90
[categoryId] => 90
[criteria] => Maurerwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1193
[97] => Array
[rowCount] => 97
[categoryId] => 97
[criteria] => Putzer, Trockenbauwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[59] => Array
[rowCount] => 59
[categoryId] => 59
[criteria] => LEVEL5
[map_to_category] => 1167
[71] => Array
[rowCount] => 71
[categoryId] => 71
[criteria] => Dewalt
[map_to_category] => 1167
[82] => Array
[rowCount] => 82
[categoryId] => 82
[criteria] => Contoo
[map_to_category] => 1167
[56] => Array
[rowCount] => 56
[categoryId] => 56
[criteria] => Bauhandwerkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[58] => Array
[rowCount] => 58
[categoryId] => 58
[criteria] => Zubeh?r
[map_to_category] => 1167
[91] => Array
[rowCount] => 91
[categoryId] => 91
[criteria] => Verfug -Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 1167
[32] => Array
[rowCount] => 32
[categoryId] => 32
[criteria] => Andere
[map_to_category] => 1749
[42] => Array
[rowCount] => 42
[categoryId] => 42
[criteria] => Abdichtungssets
[map_to_category] => 122
[37] => Array
[rowCount] => 37
[categoryId] => 37
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[41] => Array
[rowCount] => 41
[categoryId] => 41
[criteria] => Dichtb?nder / Dichtbahn
[map_to_category] => 122
[68] => Array
[rowCount] => 68
[categoryId] => 68
[criteria] => K30 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[87] => Array
[rowCount] => 87
[categoryId] => 87
[criteria] => K30 braun
[map_to_category] => 115
[69] => Array
[rowCount] => 69
[categoryId] => 69
[criteria] => Terrasseabdichtung
[map_to_category] => 122
[102] => Array
[rowCount] => 102
[categoryId] => 102
[criteria] => K100 grau
[map_to_category] => 115
[88] => Array
[rowCount] => 88
[categoryId] => 88
[criteria] => Profile für Balkone und Terrassen
[map_to_category] => 115
[51] => Array
[rowCount] => 51
[categoryId] => 51
[criteria] => Grundierungsmittel
[map_to_category] => 115
[83] => Array
[rowCount] => 83
[categoryId] => 83
[criteria] => Fliesenleger-Werkzeuge
[map_to_category] => 7136
[119] => Array
[rowCount] => 119
[categoryId] => 119
[criteria] => Zahnkellen & Gl?ttekellen
[map_to_category] => 2181
[rules] => Array
[filters] => Array
[1645447699963] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645447699963
[attribute] => pa_brand
[condition] => =
[criteria] => DEWALT
[cs] => on
[than] => exclude
[1645533893962] => Array
[rowCount] => 1645533893962
[attribute] => custom_attributes__unit
[condition] => =
[criteria] => l
[cs] => on
[than] => include_only
[history_products] => Array
[09 Jan 2025 08:08] => 404
[10 Jan 2025 08:01] => 404
[0] => Array
[13 Jan 2025 00:05:09] => 404
[1] => Array
[16 Jan 2025 00:07:18] => 404
[2] => Array
[19 Jan 2025 00:08:07] => 400
[3] => Array
[23 Jan 2025 00:08:59] => 400
[4] => Array
[24 Jan 2025 11:56:59] => 400
[5] => Array
[27 Jan 2025 00:11:16] => 400
[6] => Array
[28 Jan 2025 00:05:05] => 268
[7] => Array
[29 Jan 2025 00:07:14] => 268
[ship_suffix] =>
[last_updated] => 29 Jan 2025 00:07:08
[legacy_project_hash] => QbkEYfk6HglNbXmMvgATyfPSJmaFspgL
)Copy Google MC feed is the feed I’m having problem with.
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