• Hi there, I’m looking for the right method to include the /css/ie.css of twentythirteen into my personal childtheme..
    I tried to use the function method and the @import method but it’s not working at this point.

    Could you please provide the exact right way to do so? Thanks for your help in advance.

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  • There is no css/ie.css file in 2013 by default.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hmm thats weird in mine there is a CSS folder with an ie.css file to provide ie9 and lower support.

    Are you sure that you are using an original version of 21013? The original theme supports IE7 & IE8 via #ie7 and #ie8 selectors in style.css

    Thread Starter Chris


    I checked it again and downloaded the theme from here:

    WordPress / Themes/ TwentyThirteen

    As you can see there is a css folder inside with the ie.css and editor-style.css in it..

    I need to apply changes to this ie.css because of website width for Internet Explorer previous to IE9.

    Sorry! Sorry! I must have been looking at the wrong Twenty * theme!

    That stylesheet is loaded using:

    wp_enqueue_style( 'twentythirteen-ie', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/ie.css', array( 'twentythirteen-style' ), '2013-07-18' );
    	wp_style_add_data( 'twentythirteen-ie', 'conditional', 'lt IE 9' );

    in twentythirteen_scripts_styles, so it should be loaded by default in your child theme. Is that not what you want?

    Thread Starter Chris


    No problem! Thanks for your help:) I want to be able to change ie.css without changing the parents theme. So it would be great to have within my child theme folder a CSS folder like in the parent theme to overwrite the parent ie.css.

    Can you tell me how to do that? Do I need a function or can i do it with a @import only?

    Thanks again!

    In theory, you should be able to over-write the CSS in ie.css in your child theme’s stylesheet. Is there something you are having a particular problem with?

    Thread Starter Chris


    Yes, I’m not sure how to create a ie.css file within my child the folder that overwrites the ie.css from the parent theme. For expample the width values..

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