• Hiya!

    I have my WordPress all set up allright, but I would also like to add a shop. So I have got myself a shop from spreadshirt.net. My question is how do I implement the shop into a page? The Shop is alittle wide, so I need to remove the sidebar aswell I think.

    Spreadshop.net has this html code that you could use to implement the shop, but I don’t want it to be an iFrame, I just want it showing as a normal page in WordPress.

    Heres the iFrame link:
    <iframe height=”540″ width=”620″ src=”https://www.spreadshirt.net/shop.php?sid=110931&#8243; name=”Spreadshop” id=”Spreadshop” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Thanks for any help! ??

    PS: I’ve allready tried the Spreadshirt plugin from Tassomoni (or something), but it only gives me these errors:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-content/plugins/spreadshop.php:212) in /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-admin/admin.php on line 10

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-content/plugins/spreadshop.php:212) in /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-admin/admin.php on line 11

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-content/plugins/spreadshop.php:212) in /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-admin/admin.php on line 12

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-content/plugins/spreadshop.php:212) in /home/www/vsffc.com/wp-admin/admin.php on line 13

    Thanks for all help

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  • Thread Starter simenfs


    Ok, looked at it now, and I’m totally blank. I have no idea what caused the errors. And would be seriously happy if you could help me here. If it would make it easier, heres the file: spreadshop.phps

    Thanks alot ??



    Sorry for not answering so long… I’m from Germany (GMT +2) and, err… hat a long Saturday night yesterday. ??

    Well I’ll take a look at it now. At first glance, I saw it was the plugin author who has nested the style into the body. I’ll try to solve this and come back then.





    Alright, I rewrote the plugin a bit so that it produces valid output now (even XHTML 1.1 as far as I tested). The <style> now goes to the <head> using the wp_head hook. You can download this from my Website.

    My revision is not the claenest solution as the style is included into every page, not only the shop. But that doesn’t hurt, except of a little overhead.

    I don’t know if this solves your problem with the CSS. But if not, I guess you should take a look at the CSS float and clear directives, the are known not to work properly in all browsers, especially when nested to much. But this is far beyond WordPress, so you might want to (a) refer to a CSS forum on that and (b) do some cross browser testing, e.g. with Firefox or Opera.



    Thread Starter simenfs


    Ok thanks alot ?? Had a nice long saturday too, but didn?|t go out untill later ??


    Thread Starter simenfs


    Heh, 15 seconds difference in posting ?? I’ll take a look at it now


    Thread Starter simenfs


    Hm. I tried your edited file, and I still have the problems. It still doesnt show norwegian letters and now the images doesnt show…

    Hmm, any clue what it might be?




    Strange thing, I tested it myself (with your shop) and it worked fine. Especially the images leave me clueless.

    However, there might be problems because I saved it as ISO-8859-1. You can now download it as UTF-8. Please try it and tell me if it works. If it still doesn’t work, maybe you could open it with your own editor and look if there are strange characters (apart from norwegian ;-)).

    Maybe you could — if it still doesn’t work — tell me what exactly doesn’t work. Also, some things about your server software and versions would be helpful. If your server runs Apache and you have access to your apache virtual host file and your php.ini file, please provide them, too. (You can also send me an e-mail to ag at zirona dot com).



    Thread Starter simenfs


    Hiya. Thanks for helping out.

    It’s still the same with the utf8 file. The pictures doesnt show and are not clickable.

    If you could tell me how to find my php.ini. Says its in /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini, but I can’t find it in my ftp. Prolly not there I should look tho…But do you need the PHP Info? Configure Commands and some more stuff.

    Operating system : Debian GNU/Linux
    Perl Modules : Click to View (NOTE: this page is over 450 KB)
    Perl version : v5.8.4
    Perl path : /usr/bin/perl
    Sendmail path : /usr/sbin/sendmail
    MySQL version : 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge2-log
    PHP version : 4.3.10-16
    PHP Info : Click to View
    Physical IP address : **********
    Mysql host : supremecenter19.com
    Mysql port : 3306
    POP3/IMAP (incoming mail server) : mail.supremecenter19.com
    POP3 port : 110
    IMAP port : 443
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) : mail.supremecenter19.com
    SMTP port : 25

    Thanks for any help.

    Btw, could you check my shop at
    https://www.vsffc.com/?page_id=20 and tell me if it works allright for you? Might just be my browser (Moz. Firefox)

    EDIT: Hm, now the pictures show, no idea why. But the pictures still float over the div. Maybe the images isn’t inside the div. Seems only the description text is. All I know is it’s acting weird. ??



    Your site looks pretty ok to me. I’m using Konqueror and FF, too.

    Yeah, the images float over the div because of the CSS float and clear. As soon as you use float block level elements are going to overlap. You need to do a lot of balancing out with margin, padding and so on, and you need to test across different browsers. That’s what the fine art of CSS is all about. But as I said above, this ought not to be discussed at a WordPress forum. ??

    Btw, try removing the CSS for the shop on the Spreadshop options page (but save it somewhere else). You’ll be seeing that now everything is in one column. So you’ll need to play around with that chunk of CSS to optimize your shop.



    Thread Starter simenfs


    Ok, thanks. I’ll just copy the CSS over to the wp css file. Easier to have it all in one place. At the moment I’ll stick with just making the description text alittle longer, then it doesn’t seem like the image float over the div. One question tho, do you see ??? on the page, or is it gone or just me? If you also see it, I’ll just use capitol letters instead. No big deal actually ??

    Thanks alot for your help mate, been a God.



    Ok, thanks. I’ll just copy the CSS over to the wp css file. Easier to have it all in one place.

    You can do that but this will take you the liberty to change it quickly via the WP admin panel.

    One question tho, do you see ??? on the page, or is it gone or just me?

    Yes indead. But you might try to set your WordPress to ISO-8859-15 (in Options->Reading) and make sure you have something like
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" />
    in your header.php file. This could solve the charset problem.

    Btw, I just saw that your shop page still isn’t valid. Strange thing — it is ok with XHML 1.1, but not with 1.0 transitional. :-/ Sorry for that.

    Thanks alot for your help mate, been a God.

    You’re welcome, it was a pleasure to me. ??

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