• Plugin Author Video User Manuals



    Thanks for all the support for WLCMS, we really appreciate it, and in the next version we want to tackle the show/hide issues people are highlighting in the menu system.

    So we are opening this discussion up to you guys, the ones who use WLMCS every day.

    Lets us know what it is you want exactly.

    Lets start the discussion.



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  • Plugin Author Video User Manuals


    Hi Brett,

    If you send a support ticket on our website https://www.videousermanuals.com/ I can give you the beta version of the plugin which should solve this issue.

    If you are happy to take the beta version for a test drive.

    Let me know.


    Hi Brian,

    I’m a new user of White Label CMS & Video Manuals, (and love them for what they offer), but I’ve found a small snag I’d appreciate help with.

    The site I’ve developed is https://www.ccplants.co.uk and the client wants to be able to change the background image depending on the season. The problem is, that can be done by administrator, but even when the background settings box in the settings of WLCM is un-ticked so that people with Editor role should be able to see it, they can’t, can this be resolved please.

    Another snag I’ve found is that with Woo-Commerce installed as I have on the site, Shop Managers cannot see many of the editor roles and editors cannot see any of the shop manager roles, but this is something I resolved by using Role Editor as mentioned by In4fun above.

    So, great plugins Brian, but it would be great if somebody could advise me how to set it so that an editor can change the background image, with Role Editor not showing any differences that should make it hidden from editors when Administrators can do it.

    Highest regards,


    Plugin Author Video User Manuals


    Hi Holmey,

    Thanks for the kind words. We will look into the background issue.

    With Woo-Commerce the Role Editor plugin is the best solution, but you might want to check out the adminamize plugin as well. This gives you far more granular control over what appears.


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