Improved Integration with Woocommerce
I wanted to provide my code to improve your plugin for better integration of the Xprofile fields with Woocommerce, my changes should also support the ‘Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type’ plugin as well but would appreciate review before updating the plugin.
The changes affect the wc4bp-xprofile-checkout.php file and update the wc4bp_custom_checkout_field function as well as introduce two additional ones.
Updates include;
– Introducing appropriate Woocommerce class (ie. input-text) onto the Xprofile fields
– Adding Woocommerce validation classes
– Replacing (required) text with Woocommerce required asterisk html
– Removal of empty group field div wrappers
– Better id on group field divs
– Improved markup to match WoocommerceUpdated/Added Code:
<?php /** * Add the field to the checkout */ add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'wc4bp_custom_checkout_field' ); function wc4bp_custom_checkout_field( $checkout ) { global $field; $bf_xprofile_options = get_option('bf_xprofile_options'); $shipping = bp_get_option( 'wc4bp_shipping_address_ids' ); $billing = bp_get_option( 'wc4bp_billing_address_ids' ); foreach( $bf_xprofile_options as $group_id => $fields){ $group_fields_included = 0; $display_group_name = true; foreach($fields as $field_id => $field_attr){ if( ( ! empty( $billing ) && array_search( $field_id, $billing )) || ( ! empty( $shipping ) && array_search( $field_id, $shipping) ) ) continue; if( isset($field_attr['checkout']) ){ $field = new BP_XProfile_Field( $field_id ); if(!empty($field->id)){ if( $group_fields_included == 0 ) { echo '<div class="wc4bp_custom_checkout_fields_group" id="wc4bp_checkout_field_group_'.$group_id.'">'; } if( $display_group_name ){ echo '<h4>' . $field_attr['group_name'] . ' INFORMATION</h4>'; $display_group_name = false; } $row_class = 'form-row'; if ($field->is_required) { $row_class .= ' validate-required'; } if ($field->type_obj instanceof Bxcft_Field_Type_Email) { $row_class .= ' validate-email'; } if ($field->type_obj instanceof Bxcft_Field_Type_Web) { $row_class .= ' validate-url'; } echo '<p class="'.$row_class.'">'; $field->type_obj->edit_field_html(); echo '</p>'; $group_fields_included++; } } } if( $group_fields_included > 0 ) { echo '</div>'; } } } /** * Update the field for the checkout to include Woocommerce classes and pattern */ add_filter('bp_xprofile_field_edit_html_elements', 'wc4bp_woo_class_for_xprofile_checkout_fields'); function wc4bp_woo_class_for_xprofile_checkout_fields($elements) { if (is_checkout() && array_key_exists('type', $elements)) { switch($elements['type']) { case 'select': case 'multiselect': case 'multiple': $class = 'select'; break; case 'checkbox': $class = 'input-checkbox'; break; case 'radio': $class = 'input-radio'; break; case 'day': case 'month': case 'year': case 'date': case 'color': case 'file': case 'number': case 'text': case 'textbox': case 'textarea': case 'tel': case 'phone': case 'email': case 'mail': case 'url': case 'web': default: $class = 'input-text'; } if (array_key_exists('class', $elements) && ! empty($elements['class'])) { $elements['class'] .= ' ' . $class; } else { $elements['class'] = $class; } } return $elements; } /** * Add Javascript to replace Buddypress (required) with Woocommerce required asterisk (*) */ add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_form', 'wc4bp_woo_replace_required_for_xprofile_checkout_fields'); function wc4bp_woo_replace_required_for_xprofile_checkout_fields() { echo '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(".wc4bp_custom_checkout_fields_group label").each(function(i){$(this).html($(this).html().replace("(required)","<abbr class=\"required\" title=\"required\">*</abbr>"));});});</script>'; }
Note: I have a ticket open with Buddypress for introducing a label filter to improve the implementation and remove the required jquery snippet for updating the (required) denotation with a Woocommerce asterisk (*)
Please let me know if you have any improvements, questions or suggestions.
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