• Hi ZeptoMail team

    I am the lead developer of WS Form (https://wsform.com) and I wondered if you might be able to improve the error handling from your API.

    At present if an error occurs from your wp_remote_post, you return false. However your API response includes other data such as:

    {"error":{"code":"TM_4001","details":[{"code":"SM_111","target_value":"***@gmail.com","message":"Sender address not verified","target":"from"}],"message":"Access Denied","request_id":"***"}}

    It would be great if you could do a wp_mail_failed action containing the error message so that we can show these errors to the user.


    At present we’re unable to show any debug information to the user.

    Many thanks


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  • Plugin Author Zoho Mail


    Hello Mark,

    We appreciate the time you spent and thanks for sharing this with us. We will forward this to our backend team to better handle the errors in the future.?

    Kindly bear with us till then. 

    ZeptoMail team

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