• blue2x


    Hi guys

    So basically I’m thinking of either updating my current thematic child theme to the newest version and changing the look , homepage, colors and so on.

    Or buy a premium theme that looks like this >

    https://themes.lukespoor.me/SimplyInfinite/index.html << I really like the minimal look of this theme but not a fan of the light red colors. But overall this is what I want for my website.

    Someone told me a few years ago that I should have did this for my site >

    https://www.blue2x.com/blog rather than blog.blue2x.com

    but unfortunately it was too late and I didn’t want to mess up with the links.

    1.) If I update my current thematic child theme to something that looks like the premium theme I mentioned. The new homepage with carousel and so on. , how will affect the url’s of my blog ? For example blog.blue2x.com points to the main page of the blog / site, and I want the main page to feature a carousel etc, while the main page of the blog will be on another page ? So I need to create a new homepage , and a page for the blog ? Is this correct ?

    2.) Can you suggest another premium theme like this or a free theme perhaps that I can modify ?

    The blog I need help with is blog.blue2x.com.

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  • W.P. Ginfo


    Hi blue2x,

    It seems you’re asking yourself many different questions at the same time.

    A. Themes
    When trying to find a theme, a few things are very important [I think]

    • can the theme DO what I want for my site? Don’t just focus on the ‘eye-candy’;
    • can the theme do MORE than I need NOW, but allow for future development and growth? [in the direction I might like…]
    • Does this theme have a large usergroup? The more people use it, the better it will be maintained (I hope). Has it been upgraded recently / regularly? If so, chances are, You won’t be left ‘in the lurch’ any time soon.
    • Is there an active supportgroup / forum; Are questios answered quickly and effectively? Is the author active?
    • Is setting up the theme easy / complicated? How much time will it take to get from the basic theme to where I want to be? The more big changes you need to make, the less likely this is ‘your new theme’
    • Can colorschemes be changed through an interface or only by changing the CSS. (This is only a matter of ‘ease of use’ not a dealbreaker)
    • Is the layout what I need / is it easy to change the layout into what I want?

    The higher the score on each of these questions, the more likely it is, you’ve foud your new theme.

    Free vs Premium Theme?
    It all depends on what you need. If the free version meets your needs? Go for it. If the premium version does give you what you need, and you can afford it… It probaly gives you a few extra’s and a bit more ‘ease of use’.

    ‘Moving’ your site to the root
    Moving your site to the root is a thing that is well documented.

    Messing up the links
    It seems permalinks are difficult to get to work at times. Changing things may / will probably upset this. Follow suggestions in https://codex.www.remarpro.com

    Whatever you do MAKE back-ups of site and database, before you make even small changes. Every time! A small mistake, without a back-up to go back to is a disaster!

    Why not gradually ‘move ito the new thing?’
    1. Leave the existing site as it is for now.
    2. Set up the ‘new’site in it’s new location ‘next to the old one’, shielding it from the world.
    3. When the new one works… discard the old.

    Thread Starter blue2x


    Due to an unfortunate accident. Updated the parent child theme and it caused some problems , and I lost the navigation links and some css files are missing.

    So I’m using a free theme now ( responsive theme ) . I haven’t checked the documentation and other features but so far it seems promising. Hope I can remove stuff like the footer area and so on.

    This is the setup that I want. A clean static page with a big header image , then 3 widget columns so I can post my services and so on. I’m not particular with customization as long as a theme has.

    a. static homepage with big banner , 3 widget columns

    b. blog or other pages are clean , no fancy colors.

    that’s it really =) if you recommend a theme similar to responsive or the premium theme I showed , that would be awesome

    1.) If I create a new menu item in the nav for “blog” , and I want the latest posts of all my categories to show up in the blog area, what should I do ?

    2.) As for permalinks , I have tested it and seems to be fine. Wheew

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