Impossible to save a large file on Dropbox
INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.10; WordPress version 3.5.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken [INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. [INFO] BackWPup job: Полный архив; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 * * 0; Пн, 6 Май 2013 @ 13:15 [INFO] BackWPup job started manually [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.18; apache; FreeBSD [INFO] Maximum script execution time is 30 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.28-log [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/0.9.8q [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/ [INFO] Logfile folder is: /home/ [INFO] Backup type is: archive [INFO] Backup file is: /home/ [06-Май-2013 13:15:13] 1. Try to dump database … [06-Май-2013 13:15:13] Connected to database h86763 on localhost [06-Май-2013 13:15:13] Dump database table "wp_commentmeta" [06-Май-2013 13:15:13] Dump database table "wp_comments" [06-Май-2013 13:15:13] Dump database table "wp_links" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_options" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_postmeta" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_posts" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfforums" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfgroups" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfnotice" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfposts" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfsettings" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sftopics" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sftrack" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_sfwaiting" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_term_relationships" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_term_taxonomy" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_terms" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_usermeta" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Dump database table "wp_users" [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Added database dump "h86763.sql" with 9,85 MB to backup file list [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] Database dump done! [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up … [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] 120 folders to back up. [06-Май-2013 13:15:14] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names … [06-Май-2013 13:15:15] Added plugin list file "hpf.pluginlist.2013-05-06.txt" with 2,11 kB to backup file list. [06-Май-2013 13:15:15] 1. Trying to create backup archive … [06-Май-2013 13:15:15] Compression method is ZipArchive [06-Май-2013 13:15:45] Backup archive created. [06-Май-2013 13:15:45] Archive size is 63,59 MB. [06-Май-2013 13:15:45] 1445 Files with 71,47 MB in Archive. [06-Май-2013 13:15:45] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox … [06-Май-2013 13:15:46] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Вадим Богайсков ([email protected]) [06-Май-2013 13:15:46] 3,35 GB available on your Dropbox [06-Май-2013 13:15:46] Uploading to Dropbox … [06-Май-2013 13:16:15] Script stopped! Will start again. [06-Май-2013 13:17:00] ОШИБКА: Прервано пользователем!
After phrase: “Script stopped! Will start again.” nothing else happens and I’m forced to abort the process.
But when I was saving the database only (a small file) all is OK:
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.10; WordPress version 3.5.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken [INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. [INFO] BackWPup job: База данных; DBDUMP [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 2 * * *; Пн, 6 Май 2013 @ 17:08 [INFO] BackWPup job started manually [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.18; apache; FreeBSD [INFO] Maximum script execution time is 30 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.28-log [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/0.9.8q [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/ [INFO] Logfile folder is: /home/ [INFO] Backup type is: archive [INFO] Backup file is: /home/ [06-Май-2013 17:08:14] 1. Try to dump database … [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Connected to database h86763 on localhost [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_commentmeta" [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_comments" [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_links" [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_options" [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_postmeta" [06-Май-2013 17:08:15] Dump database table "wp_posts" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfforums" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfgroups" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfnotice" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfposts" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfsettings" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sftopics" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sftrack" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_sfwaiting" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_term_relationships" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_term_taxonomy" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_terms" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_usermeta" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Dump database table "wp_users" [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Added database dump "h86763.sql" with 9,85 MB to backup file list [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Database dump done! [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] 1. Trying to create backup archive … [06-Май-2013 17:08:16] Compression method is ZipArchive [06-Май-2013 17:08:17] Backup archive created. [06-Май-2013 17:08:17] Archive size is 1,40 MB. [06-Май-2013 17:08:17] 2 Files with 9,85 MB in Archive. [06-Май-2013 17:08:17] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox … [06-Май-2013 17:08:18] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Вадим Богайсков ([email protected]) [06-Май-2013 17:08:18] 3,35 GB available on your Dropbox [06-Май-2013 17:08:18] Uploading to Dropbox … [06-Май-2013 17:08:23] Backup transferred to [06-Май-2013 17:08:24] Job done in 10 seconds.
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