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  • Player resizes well when you set all this correctly,

    Width: Width of player. Shortcode attribute:** width_value; values: Number. 100 (default). (Optional).
    Width dimensions: dimensionn of player width. Shortcode attribute:** width_type; values: % (default) or px. (Optional).

    but Thumbnail width: indicates the width of the thumbnails. The height is automatically generated based on the aspect ratio selected. Shortcode attribute: thumb_width; value: Number. (Optional).

    seem to be not working. Sadness

    Having the same issue. I upgraded to fix the YT API 3 integration and now our thumbnails are no longer responsive. The plugin is applying an inline style for a fixed width on the thumbnail div that cannot be overridden:

    <div class="ytcthumb-cont" style="width:331px!important;">

    The instructions say you can leave this field blank but then it just defaults to another fixed inline style width that is not responsive. If I remove the style using dev tools, responsive behavior is restored. I think this needs to be fixed by the developer.


    I am using the following shortcode:

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLtVoG0P4LQmsRqVCmnGNR7yDIoeaGb40k” videowidth=”677″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”light” color=”white” autoplay=”0″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ maxitems=”16″ thumb_width=”331″ thumb_ratio=”16×9″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”1″ description=”0″ thumbnail_alignment=”top” description_words_number=”6″ link=”1″]

    Thank you. Really appreciate your work on this!

    Plugin Author PoseLab


    You have to put alignment to none

    Cheers! this worked for me and saved me a bunch of time finding another solution.

    Where can I donate? the link on the plugins page just takes me to your website.

    If I use this code with my PlayListe ID, videos are not properly in line. You have no title, no description…
    Could some body help me?

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