Thanks for reaching here.
Actually, this is a mobile drag and drop functionality issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience, We have checked our plugin and we will solve this issue very soon.
You are applying a temporary solution to this issue.
1. Please go to wp-content -> plugins -> sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders -> assets -> js -> wp-spaios-admin.js line number 202 to 220.
Please replace the below code.
if( $( '.wp-spaios-gallery-imgs-wrp' ).length > 0 ) {
$( '.wp-spaios-gallery-imgs-wrp' ).sortable({
items : '.wp-spaios-img-wrp',
handle : ".wp-spaios-drag-img",
cursor : 'move',
placeholder : "wp-spaios-gallery-placeholder",
scrollSensitivity : 40,
helper : function( event, ui ) {
return ui;
start : function( event, ui ) {
ui.placeholder.html("<tr><td colspan='3'></td><tr>")
if ( ! ui.item.hasClass( 'alternate' ) ) {
ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#ffffff' );
stop : function( event, ui ) {
update : function( event, ui ) {
if ( ! ui.item.hasClass( 'alternate' ) ) {
ui.item.css( 'background-color', '' );
2. Please go to wp-content -> plugins -> sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders -> includes -> admin -> metabox -> post-sett-metabox.php line number 68.
Please add the below code after this line.
<span class="wp-spaios-tool-icon wp-spaios-move-tool wp-spaios-move-img dashicons dashicons-move wp-spaios-drag-img" title="<?php esc_html_e('Move Image', 'sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders'); ?>"></span>
3. Please go to wp-content -> plugins -> sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders -> assets -> css -> wp-spaios-admin.css line number 24 to 26.
— Please go to line no 24 and replace the below code.
.wp-spaios-gallery-imgs-prev .wp-spaios-img {max-width: 100%; width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover;}
— Please go to line no 26 and replace the below code.
.wp-spaios-img-wrp {border: 1px solid #ccc; cursor: unset; display: inline-block; height: 135px; margin: 5px 2px; vertical-align: top; width: 135px; padding: 3px; position:relative;}
Note:- If you update the plugin in a feature then your changed core plugin file change will be lost.
Please check and let me know if you have anything else.