• In the WP 2.0 beta, under the import page, I only have the option of importing from blogger, rss, or textpattern? Why isn’t MT appearing here? How do import from MT under 2.0?

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  • [moved to 2.0 Beta]

    If one looks at all the importer scripts in the Beta now (which includes one for MT), you find some* have the register_importer() function commented out. This keeps an importer from being displayed, and I imagine is the case for those which are “not yet ready for prime time” or require further testing.

    * Actually just the one. The rest which are not listed are 0-byte files, so in fact are merely placeholders.

    I used the RSS option. Made a template in MT and made sure that MTEntries lastn were equal to the number of posts in my install (I don’t have a whole lot atm). Then saved the file and pointed the RSS importer to that file and hit enter.

    I did have to do a bit of cleanup afterwards though, because some characters was imported a bit wonky but that’s the nature of beta versions.

    yup. I’ve noticed that the older importers (<wp1.6, which is an alpha version) are not written as classes but the newer importers (>wp1.6) are written as classes. That is, the importers are in beta version and so we couldn’t see the MT importer yet.

    Hope that the MT importer is finished with the WP2.0 final. ??

    I finished the MT importer the other day. It will be in 2.0 final. If you want to try it out, grab the latest mt.php and put it in your wp-admin/import/ directory.

    Ryan, could you give some feedback to this string?


    where precisely would one place the code found at “latest mt.php” ?

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