Importer always importing
Hello !
I’ve been using The Event Calendar for a short time but lately, it continually imports the same file over and over again..
I keep getting an error email from WordPress : “Your website has a technical issue” (my translation from french). Looking at the email, it states :"Uncaught ValueError: Path cannot be empty in /home/.../wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Importer/File_Reader.php:22".
When I installed The Event Calendar, I exported events from Modern Event Calendar to csv and imported in The Event Calendar and once done I removed 2 of the 3 files (Venues and Organiser were removed but Events, I forgot to).
Looking a the importer history, I see that the Events file is imported almost every day even though it is a one time import.
I also see this warning in WordPress “fatal errors” log since september 17th.
It does not seem critical as everything works but WordPress says it is..
Thanks for your help.
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