!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!! Update Plugin Settings Those Users Using Version…
Can I please ask if it is entirely safe to click on the Click Here button, in order to attempt to get rid of the above notice IF YOU HAVE NEVER USED VERSION 1.0.7 ?
I have just started as of version 1.1.6, so I don’t need to upgrade from 1.0.7, but I DO want to get rid of the box, though I entirely appreciate your need to highlight the issue!I believe this is not the same question as asked by another user who’s enquiry (now resolved) concerned the safety of the upgrade itself for those previously using 1.0.7, I believe.
Additionally can I mention that your plugin seems to work a treat even in an environment where I have needed to create template functions, sidebar widgets and the like. But I think I would have landed on your solution earlier if you had put an additional TAB on the plugin page with Screenshots. Perhaps you would consider that, I believe that would make it more attractive to others, originally I even wondered if I would get red margins between boxes! But the plugin works really well, that it’s a shame if others don’t immediately see that.
Many Thanks,
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