• In an effort to simplify the Dave’s WordPress Live Search plugin and curb the recent growth in regression issues, I am making a drastic change to how Javascript and CSS files are loaded. This change will greatly improve compatibility with supported alternate WordPress configurations, like WPMU. But it will break compatibiliy with WP Subdomains and other plugins which do not interface with WordPress core correctly.

    As WP Subdomains appears abandoned and people are reporting compatibility issues with WordPress 3.1, I think this is a safe time to make this improvement.

    Apologies to anyone still using Dave’s WordPress Live Search with WP Subdomains on an older version of WordPress, but this change is needed for my plugin’s stability.

    For the technically-inclined, I’m replacing my code for building URLs with a call to WordPress’s plugin_dir_url() function. This is a function in WordPress core. Plugins which want to change how this function builds URLs (say, to force a different subdomain) need to implement the plugins_url filter and alter the string it passes.


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