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  • Hmm, looks like there are no click events attached to the buttons …
    Or they simply don’t work …
    Make a copy of the better-wp-security/core/js/admin-modal.js file.

    Then add the following javascript line to the admin-modal.js file:

    alert(‘Module: ‘+module+’ ‘+’Caller: ‘+caller);

    Position the new javascript line so it looks like this:

    var caller = this;
    alert(‘Module: ‘+module+’ ‘+’Caller: ‘+caller);
    var data = {

    (You may need to refresh the Security page in the browser for the changed admin-modal.js file to load).
    Now retest clicking on the “Make a backup” button.
    You should see something like this (if click events exist):

    Module: backup Caller: https://[domain]/wp-admin/backup

    Where domain should be substituted with your website domain.

    If still nothing happens then there are no click events and we’ll have to find out why not.


    Thread Starter Sergio D


    Hi! I’m sorry it took so long.

    Ok, when I click on it nothing happened. It shows the link at the bottom of the browser so I tried to do it manually ( but it goes to “page not found”.

    What should I do?
    thanks for your help.

    The link will not work because the action behind the buttons is handled by an AJAX request (So there is no such page request send to the webserver).

    What browser and what browser version are you using ?
    Have you tried this from a different browser ?
    Try and see whether there is any error in the javascript console of the browser. Open the javascript console before clicking on the WP Security menu option.

    Try and change\add the following line(s) in wp-config.php:

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false);


    error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

    I would really love to get to the bottom of this issue. We may need to do a TeamViewer session so I can look over your shoulder. Are you familiar with TeamViewer ?


    Thread Starter Sergio D



    I tried on Chrome and on Firefox.
    Console (firefox with firebug and Chrome with default console) are saying nothing (this is weird)
    No luck with error report neither.

    I installed this plugin in a site but in this case a localhost wordpress and worked perfectly. I don’t know what is happening with this other site.

    I can give you access to the site if that’s better for you.
    thanks again.

    Ok, received the login details by email which allowed me to login and have a closer look.

    It turns out this issue is caused by a single css style of another plugin named:

    Espresso Add-Ons – A plugin built for Boxy’s restaurant themes

    Used FireBug in Firefox browser to (temporarily) disable the offending style (z-index) and voila the “Important First Steps” screen works !
    Note that as soon as the offending style is disabled the “Important First Steps” screen lightens up a bit. So it was actually greyed out as it was not the top element … no wonder the buttons didn’t work …

    So again the iTSec plugin works fine but there was an external factor causing this issue …

    The offending css style can be found in the following style sheet:


    and it looks like this:

    .ui-front { z-index:300002 !important; }

    I’m not a frontend developer but I think the .ui-front class is one that is default used by jQuery. So I wonder whether it is smart to use it in a different (custom) style sheet … (apparently not).

    To solve the iTSec issue you could remove the .ui-front line from the style.css file but such a change might also impact proper functioning of the Espresso Add-Ons plugin …

    I have replied to your email attaching a printscreen that will also give you a visual on the info provided above.
    If you have any questions just let me know.


    I just noticed the reply to your email bounced …
    Send me another email with a different email address and I’ll reply to that message so you will receive the printscreen.


    Thread Starter Sergio D


    I disabled the other plugin and worked perfecly.


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