Ok, received the login details by email which allowed me to login and have a closer look.
It turns out this issue is caused by a single css style of another plugin named:
Espresso Add-Ons – A plugin built for Boxy’s restaurant themes
Used FireBug in Firefox browser to (temporarily) disable the offending style (z-index) and voila the “Important First Steps” screen works !
Note that as soon as the offending style is disabled the “Important First Steps” screen lightens up a bit. So it was actually greyed out as it was not the top element … no wonder the buttons didn’t work …
So again the iTSec plugin works fine but there was an external factor causing this issue …
The offending css style can be found in the following style sheet:
and it looks like this:
.ui-front { z-index:300002 !important; }
I’m not a frontend developer but I think the .ui-front class is one that is default used by jQuery. So I wonder whether it is smart to use it in a different (custom) style sheet … (apparently not).
To solve the iTSec issue you could remove the .ui-front line from the style.css file but such a change might also impact proper functioning of the Espresso Add-Ons plugin …
I have replied to your email attaching a printscreen that will also give you a visual on the info provided above.
If you have any questions just let me know.