• Plugin Author Rick Rottman


    As you many know, I created two plugins for use with First Data’s Payeezy Gateway. This one, WP Payeezy Donate, and then later another one WP Payeezy Pay. My original goal was to make a simple plugin that would allow people to accept donations and collect more information than the Pay Now/Donate Now button code provided by Payeezy Gateway would allow as well as the ability to run recurring payments.

    Over time, I realized people were taking this plugin and modifying it to process payments. I had no problem with that. I decided that I would try to make things easier and just create another plugin for taking payments. I published WP Payeezy Pay. It was like this one, but more geared for making payments.

    That left me with two plugins to maintain that do the same thing.

    For the sake of simplicity, I decided just to add all the functionality of WP Payeezy Donate to WP Payeezy Pay. Now when you set up WP Payeezy Pay, you select if you want to take payments or donations. If you choose donations, then WP Payeezy Pay acts and behaves exactly like this plugin. If you choose payments, it acts like the earlier versions of WP Payeezy Pay.

    So what’s this mean to you if you are using WP Payeezy Donate? Well, when you get a chance, go ahead and install WP Payeezy Pay, configure it, and replace the published shortcode for WP Payeezy Donate with the one for WP Payeezy Pay. You’re free to keep on using this one, but keep in mind that I don’t plan on doing any updates to WP Payeezy Donate. I will do updates to WP Payeezy Pay, if and when they are needed.


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