• I haven’t found anywhere how I can import WordPress to WordPress, although there is an import from MT, GreyMatter, B2 and probably a host of others.
    I have a brand new directory /wp instead of /blog and a brand new database in the new directory. How can I import the blogs from my other database into this one. Can anyone tell me?

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  • The easiest thing to do (if you have control of the database) would be to copy the old database to the new one and run the upgrade script at [path]/wp-admin/upgrade.php

    Thread Starter jackiefg


    Uhoh, that’s the easiest? I have no idea how to copy the database over although I have access to it, I just know nothing about php or mysql. Also the problem with that is that it might not work. The reason I have a new directory with the new WordPress version is that when I upgraded my previous version everything was screwed up so I started fresh.
    Is there a way to export the entries (kinda like what I did with MT and Grey Matter before) to some kind of text file and then import the blogs?

    https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Backup.html has the directions for making a backup copy of the database and restoring it.
    What kind of screwed up were they for you? I ran the upgrade script and it worked perfectly.

    Thread Starter jackiefg


    oh there were all kinds of mysql non-connections. I didn’t expect a problem since I had cleanly installed the new version into a separate directory – so then I went and did the upgrade and poof, so I just went with the new one.

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