Thank you for the quick response!
The end goal is to automate this (click on “around the web reviews”):
I have webscrapers that I can tweak to get a format I like, but I have to still manually change the code for each post. Not much time saved. So the alternative solution I am thinking, is to just have a consistently updated RSS feed displayed for the newest movies. Then my employees will manually copy the information into the desired format I like.
For more info on my RSS feed being easily automated:
I have a google custom search engine and personal API key that can turn my search into an RSS feed. Easily copy and paste into each new movie post, changing just for each movie. But the API searches are limited to only 200 or so a day. Which is why I want to throttle the cache-ing. I am thinking of using other plugins/programs to auto update export each google CSE RSS feed into an xml file google doc. Which would then be scheduled to be scraped by your plugin until my employees can get it in the format I’d like.
Sorry if this is confusing and worded poorly. If you have a better solution for my end goal, let me know and I will gladly do that. If I can automate all of this to scrape and import in the formats I desire all with your plugin, I will happily pay for the premium and allocate my employee time to something better.
Thank you for your time!