actually this option will add extra using for your plugin so let me explain
– I want to sell mobile recharging balance cards and ofcourse each card has its own numbers
– as example I want to sell 1000 card number so if I will use normal product of woocommerce at this case I have to create 1000 product each product contains one card number
– if your plugin has the possibility to import the 1000 card numbers in only one product so it will work like the next :
1-I will create product (recharging card) and by using your plugin I will import csv file contains list of 1000 cards numbers
2- card 1 number is 1111 and card 2 is 2222 and card 3 is 33333 ……..etc
3- if some user purchase the product then he will take card 1 and he will find the numbers of card 1 inside the order 1111 and then card 1 will be removed from the list of cards of product (recharging card) or even this card remarked as (purchased) and will not used again
4- if some user purchase the product one more time then he will get card 2 and its numbers 2222 and the card 2 will be removed from the cards list …….etc
hope it clear and if there are any part is not clear please let me know to clear it more
best regards