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  • I need this import tool too.
    I have plog 1.0 website and want to change to wordpress.
    If anybody knows, please post to here.

    Please, if someone knows, please reply this post. We need to import our plog weblog to wordpress. We use plog version 1.0.

    ~polite bump~

    Does anyone have a plog1.0 to wordpress importer? I tried the rss importer but it’s very limited (all posts assume today’s date, comments don’t get imported, etc).

    Is this available yet? There appears to be a need for it. Anyone?

    I need this import tool too.

    hi guys I just made this converter to import my plog db to wp. I hope you can use it too.

    It’s really just for my blog and has not been tested anywhere else. and it has very limited function. So use it if you have only one user and one blog in your Plog db.

    you can download the file from

    hope it helps… ??

    Thanks for the contribution, but thats a dead link.

    ~My Monthly Bump~


    Yeah, I’m right there with the other guys. Is there anyone out there with a script for a newer version of Plog? I don’t see how many other blogging softwares out there can create import scripts for wp and other various ones, but not Plog.. what the hell lol?

    I noticed about the wp-admin/import-rss.php or whatever it’s called, but I don’t think that works for Plog 1.0.2. I hope someone comes out with something soon. I checked at the forums about this, and no one over there really made anything for it yet either. I hope there is a solution soon.


    P.S. If the person that made that import script for the older Plog version had a new link maybe we could just down grade from the newest version of Plog to the version the script was made for. But, then again..the db would have to be downgraded to, which probably wouldn’t make any difference. The poster of that script should include a good link then or add the codes in here, someone could atleast tinker with it then… No offense to the poster that started this thread.. I was referring to this one here lol: that made that script..

    A new year, a new bump.

    Thanks Kassad, I’ll try it out this weekend. The instructions look a little involved… guess that’s why this post has been open for almost 9 months with no solution.

    Anonymous User 50911


    I tried it. It worked but, I coulnt import all of it, only last 10 posts.

    I got stuck in step 3, where I had to generate xml file of all my plog posts.
    It’s impossible!
    I tried to change all kind of max settings, but rss is still showing last 10 posts.

    If anyone could tell me how to generate xml of all plog post, I would be very thankful!

    plog aka lifetype forum request for help:

    Anonymous User 50911


    Problem solved!

    Are you really sure that you want *all* of them?

    By default the RSS feeds show as many posts as you configured under "maximum number of recent posts" in your blog settings page. You can 1) raise that number a lot though it would also affect normal blog pages, or make a small change in the code. In class/action/rssaction.class.php, look for this line:


    $amount = $blogSettings->getValue( "recent_posts_max", 15 );

    And replace it with the following:


    $amount = -1;

    Make sure you clean the contents of your tmp/ folder before you do any try, so that there are no cached pages left.

    Finally! Something comes around when I no longer need it! I had to manually add all 200 n some posts of mine, from shitty PLOG to WordPress.

    It’s ok..besides having to go through them all AGAIN, so my shitty theme validates it and yet..I still have to fix some shit…

    Anyways….fuck it. All my shit was carried over… And I’ll deal with it in my “free” time. LOL!


    Saying this while the: Soul Asylum – Misery song is playing in the background…

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