• Hello,

    I am moving from blogger to wordpress installed on a server. Everything has imported fine, except for the link. Within blogger, the link appears just below the title, and is used for each post, as described by blogger – “Use this to make your title link to a website.”

    Unfortunately the “link” is not being imported.

    Does anyone know how this could be imported? (For example into a custom field (source).)

    Many thanks

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  • Thread Starter woodpie


    One workaround is to place the title link into the post by inserting:

    <a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.link/></a>

    into the blogger template. And importing into WordPress once again. The link will then appear at the top of each post.

    Thread Starter woodpie


    Yup it appears on the blog post, but it still will not import into wordpress.

    Therefore, I’m still trying to find out how to import the data:post.link field into WordPress.

    Anyone with any ideas?

    Bumping thread…

    I need an answer to this as well.

    I have a blog that has an external link in every single post title, and I absolutely need a way to import that link information into WordPress when I import everything else in that Blogger account.

    Going back and manually fixing +500 posts is not something I want to do. ;_;

    So I’ve been searching these forums and the great wide internets, and I’m pretty stunned that no one has ever posted a solution to this before, since it seems like something that would be a pretty common request.

    If you are reading this and think you may know who I can get in contact with to create a solution, I’d be thankful. This level of coding wizardry is beyond my skill level. Willing to pay if the price is right.

    Anyone out there?

    Post the link to your blogger blog and tell me where the link is present.

    It’s been quite sometime since I have used Blogger and I am not sure about the link that you are talking about.


    you are able to activate a field called ‘link field’ which turns the title of a post into an external link.

    Essentially I need a way for ‘BlogItemURL’ to be imported somehow with the rest of the content, but I have no idea where to start.


    Okay, now I understand the problem.

    The solution will involve the following steps.

    1) Use the method described by woodpie to get the links as part of the content while importing.
    2) Hook into the import code to extract this link from post content and store it as a custom field.
    3) Hook into the get_permalink() function to return the external link from the custom field as the permalink, instead of the original permalink of the post.

    Let me know if you want help in implementing the solution.

    That would be a great help. I know what you mean, but I don’t know how to go about making it happen.

    For what it is worth, I would actually prefer the link to simply be imported into the top of the post content, rather than changing the permalink of the post titles. [Apparently that makes for better SEO? heh]

    I tried the code that woodpie put up, but couldn’t get the info to be thrown into the import. Just getting the link in there as a plain old linked url would be fantastic.

    Any help is most appreciated! ^_^


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