No the phpMyadmin trick doesn’t work anymore with v2. There are no custom tables anymore, so phpMyadmin ( or any other sql tool ) isn’t capable of handling it. But I’m working on a CSV importer add-on that will be released soon ( I probably should have had this ready when I released the 2.0 update ).
The old table is still there though ( unless you uninstall it ), one way to hack around it is to delete the stores from 2.0 in the editor ( this will only remove the custom post types, but make a backup anyway ).
Open phpMyadmin, import the stores the way you used to in the old db table. Open the options table and set the value for the wpsl_version field to 1.8, reload the dashboard and it will ask you to convert the store locations in the old db to the 2.0 custom post types again. It’s not the most user friendly way, but until I release the CSV add-on, I think this is the only way.