• Hi

    For the last couple of days I have been attempting to import a live XML feed into my wordpress installation. I havent succeded and I have currently hit a brick wall.

    The feed I am trying to import is offered by the NHS and it has medical facts etc. The live feed has a number of import options text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/json & application/xml; it can be viewed here.

    Unfortunately they do not offer this as a download and I have to incorporate the LIVE feed someway.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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  • Thread Starter WillOfTheWeb


    anyone? ??

    What exactly is the end goal here, to create a new post on your site to replicate every post on the feed? Or is it just to list them out somewhere and link to the origin site?

    Thread Starter WillOfTheWeb


    Hi, thanks for the reply.
    I want to be able to create pages based on selected feeds (not all content). I could just copy and past the content but that would be against their rules. I have to have it connected some way to the live feed so if they change anything it would reflect on my site.

    If I could someway parce the URL of a particular feed into my sites url e.g.


    The above link is another website doing exactly what I wish to do and from the same source.

    Well it is possible, but it would require writing a lot of custom code, this is something someone familiar with WordPress development and a solid understanding of php would have to handle. is that something you are comfortable with? If so I can point you in the right direction.

    Thread Starter WillOfTheWeb


    I was sure that there would be a WordPress plugin that would be up to the task, disappointed that there isn’t and amazed that there isn’t.

    How much would a project like this set me back?

    Well I can explain why there is no WordPress plugin available for you to accomplish this. That particular feed is a custom feed and does not follow any standardized format. If it were say an RSS feed it would be a lot easier to find a plugin since RSS is a widely used feed format. For this reason you would have to find a plugin specifically written for this site, but it is a pretty obscure site so it is not really surprising that one has not been written.

    Another problem with the feed is that it does not contain any of the content, so setting up the feed to create posts would require an additional request to fetch the html for the content. This is why I asked if you were trying to list them or create posts.

    As for you question regarding set-back, that is really between you and whatever developer you hire.

    Thread Starter WillOfTheWeb



    They have an XML version located here:

    Yes I understand the formats they have, but that xml feed is not an RSS feed.

    Have you considered wp-all-import plugin. It auto detects XML elements then allows you to decide how to apply them to posts, pages, or custom post types.


    Thread Starter WillOfTheWeb


    Hi techstacy! That plugin doesnt import a live XML feed, only XML files from your pc or downloadable ones e.g. https://v1.syndication.nhschoices.nhs.uk/conditions/articles/otitis-media.xml?apikey=MLMBBLYK

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