Things are not as simple as I would like them to be. I am using a localhost in my PC using the program xammplite (comprised of apache server, php and mysql) in addition I downloaded WordPress. AS I enter posts, categories etc they are going into memory call them what you waqnt files, database – they are still in memory. If I had downloaded themes, plugins, widgets etc, they are all in the wordpress directory or a directory within wordpress. If I want to transfer my application to another computer I must now transfer copy and paste wordpress. (That is what we do with FTP) But the database contains posts, categories etc or as you said links to the data. Now assume I just transferred all of wordpress to the second PC. The posts etc are not in wordpress, where are they?? Somewhere in memory of course. I would also like to copy and paste them in the second PC. But where are they. When I use phpmyadmin, it allows me to see the data but I still dont know where itis in order to transfer it to second computer. If the second computer is my server I do this by using the export or import commands but suppose the second computer is at your home and you want to copy the data which in the memory in your office computer. You can’t use export and import (or can you)
Hope I haven’t confused you with my own confusion, a little Voodoo may help.