implement multiple slider instances through wordpress plugin
i have customised the smooth div scroll jquery plugin ( and implemented it in wordpress as a wordpress plugin along with an options page you can view the slider here , i have created an options page in wordpress admin which has 4 options to select the slider title , background and arrows color and category of posts . the slides are wordpress posts and the images inside them are their featured images . the slider can be currently used with a shortcode , this is all fine and working .
the problem is that now i am supposed to add multiple sliders that can have different options selected and can be used on a single page through the options page and i am confused as how to get this done . can some wordpress guru please point me in the right direction i am really running out of time here , i don’t need the whole code just an idea as how i could actually get this done and i am pretty good at php and wordpress myself usually .
any help would be appreciated , thank you .
here is the code that pulls the posts and generates the slider that i am currently using
function sds_display_slider() { global $post; $sds_category2 = (get_option('sds_category') != false) ? get_option('sds_category') : 1; $sds_title2 = (get_option('sds_title') != '') ? get_option('sds_title') : 'Smooth Slider'; $sds_bgcolor2 = (get_option('sds_bgcolor') != '') ? get_option('sds_bgcolor') : '#dedede'; $sds_navcolor2 = (get_option('sds_navcolor') != '') ? get_option('sds_navcolor') : '#9e1b32' ; $plugins_url = plugins_url(); echo '<div id="carousel" style="background-color:'.$sds_bgcolor2.'!important;"> <style> div.scrollingHotSpotLeft {background-color:'.$sds_navcolor2.';} div.scrollingHotSpotRight{background-color:'.$sds_navcolor2.';} </style> <h2>'.$sds_title2.'</h2> <div id="makeMeScrollable">'; query_posts('post_type=post&posts_per_page=-1&cat='.$sds_category2.'&order=ASC'); if ( have_posts() ) :while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $img_attached_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'medium'); $img_attached = $img_attached_url[0]; $post_heading = get_the_title($post->ID); $post_text = substr(get_the_excerpt(),0,180)."..."; $link = get_permalink($post->ID); echo '<div class="contentBox"> <a href="'.$link.'"> <img src="'.$img_attached.'"></a><br> <a href="'.$link.'"><h2>'.$post_heading.'</h2></a> <p>'.$post_text.'</p> </div>'; endwhile; endif;wp_reset_query(); echo '</div> </div>'; }
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