• Hi,

    I found some strings can be internationalized and I list them as the following:
    Line 35
    <input type="radio" name="ihp_options[popup_type]" value="2" <?php checked('2', $popup_type, true);?>> <?php esc_html_e('Full Screen', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?>

    Line 38
    <input type="radio" name="ihp_options[popup_type]" value="1" <?php checked('1', $popup_type, true);?>> <?php esc_html_e('Normal - Tooltip', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?>

    Line 49
    <p><strong><?php _e('Buy me a Coffee to keep me awake :&rpar;', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?></strong></p>

    Line 443
    <label><?php _e('Link to pins', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?><br>

    Line 444
    <input type="text" name="pointdata[linkpins][]" value="<?php echo $pointLink?>" placeholder="<?php _e('Link to pins', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?>"/>

    Line 446
    <label><?php _e('Link target', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?><br>

    Line 448
    <option value="_self" <?php selected('_self',$link_target);?>><?php _e('Open curent window', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?></option>

    Line 449
    <option value="_blank" <?php selected('_blank',$link_target);?>><?php _e('Open new window', 'devvn-image-hotspot');?></option>

    Line 479
    <label><?php _e( 'Placement', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )?><br></label>

    Line 483 to 490

    'n' =>  __( 'North', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'e' =>  __( 'East', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    's' =>  __( 'South', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'w' =>  __( 'West', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'nw' =>  __( 'North West', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'ne' =>  __( 'North East', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'sw' =>  __( 'South West', 'devvn-image-hotspot' ),
    'se' =>  __( 'South East', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )

    Line 499
    <label><?php _e( 'Pins ID', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )?><br>

    Line 500
    <input type="text" name="pointdata[pins_id][]" value="<?php echo $pins_id?>" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Type a ID', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )?>"/>

    Line 504
    <label><?php _e( 'Pins Class', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )?><br>

    Line 505
    <input type="text" name="pointdata[pins_class][]" value="<?php echo $pins_class?>" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Ex: class_1 class_2 class_3', 'devvn-image-hotspot' )?>"/>

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