• Resolved Nickness



    In some case Lazy Load XT process img tag multiple times. I noticed this issue with a post grid component that I use (Beaver Builder).
    This occurs because the post grid use the_post_thumbnail() which fires post_thumbnail_html filter so img are processed by Lazy Load XT. And then when the_content filter runs Lazy Load XT process the img of the post grid a second time.

    To avoid this I slightly modified the regex you use to grab img.

    So I turn this


    to this


    Hope this help and thanks for this great lazy loading implementation.

    Best regards


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  • Plugin Author dbhynds


    Interesting. So does your theme create some HTML that includes get_the_post_thumbnail(), then run apply_filter(‘the_content’, $that_html) ?

    Either way, I’m making some revisions to the regex for next version, so I’ll include your (?!<noscript>|<\/noscript>) bit.

    I’ll be releasing the next version shortly, so feel free to update to it when you see it come through.

    Thread Starter Nickness


    Interesting. So does your theme create some HTML that includes get_the_post_thumbnail(), then run apply_filter(‘the_content’, $that_html) ?

    Yes exactly but it’s not the theme that include get_the_post_thumbnail(). It’s the Beaver Builder plugin which is a drag&drop frontend editor that allows to drop a post grid module anywhere in a page. I don’t know how other page builder plugins behave but I suspect it should be the same.

    I’ll be checking your next version to see how it plays with Beaver Builder.


    Plugin Author dbhynds


    I have a development version of the plugin here that incorporates the regex change you suggested. I’ll be releasing the next version soon.

    Thread Starter Nickness


    I checkout the revision 1135603 this is the right one?

    There is a problem with the regex and I thing you should turn this


    to this


    By replacing +.*? by ([^<]+) we just match everything except opening tag which is necessary with the (?!<noscript>|<\/noscript>) addition.

    To see what happens, you can try both regex against following html :

    <img width="155" height="300" src="" data-src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /><noscript><img width="155" height="300" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /></noscript>
    <img class="fl-photo-img" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/5527cc7c08d02_input_1.jpg" alt="5527cc7c08d02_input_1" itemprop="image" />
    Plugin Author dbhynds


    1135603 is correct.

    I understand the basics of regex, but I’m no pro. I tested both expressions agains the HTML you provided, and they both accurately matched the second img but not the first.

    I recognize that they both work, so I don’t understand the purpose of changing +.*? to ([^<]+). Can you explain it?

    Does ([^<]+) begin here? …
    <img class=”fl-photo-img” src=”https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/5527cc7c08d02_input_1.jpg&#8221; alt=”5527cc7c08d02_input_1″ itemprop=”image” />

    Where as +.*? begins here? …
    <img class=”fl-photo-img” src=”https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/5527cc7c08d02_input_1.jpg&#8221; alt=”5527cc7c08d02_input_1″ itemprop=”image” />

    Plugin Author dbhynds


    (Look for the bold characters in those img tags. They’re kinda hard to see.)

    Thread Starter Nickness


    I’m not a regex pro neither so we speak the same language.
    Did you use the s modifier when you tested both regex?

    My understanding is that with the s modifier turned on the first regex will match the whole string :

    <img width="155" height="300" src="" data-src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /><noscript><img width="155" height="300" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /></noscript>
    <img class="fl-photo-img" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/5527cc7c08d02_input_1.jpg" alt="5527cc7c08d02_input_1" itemprop="image" />

    Indeed if we split the regex: <img[\s\r\n]+.*?\/>(?!<noscript>|<\/noscript>)


    will match opening img tag followed by one or more white space, carriage return or new line.


    match any character (new line included with the s modifier turned on), zero or more times.


    match the ending tag if not followed by <noscript> or </noscript>.

    So this regex will not match :

    <img width="155" height="300" src="" data-src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /><noscript>

    as the ending img tag is followed by <noscript>.

    However it will match the whole string matching the first opening img tag and everything that stands between it (without any restriction with .*?) and the first closing tag that is not followed by <noscript> or </noscript> so the closing tag of the second img in our example :

    <img width="155" height="300" src="" data-src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /><noscript><img width="155" height="300" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/featured-image-vertical-155x300.jpg" class="attachment-medium wp-post-image" alt="Horizontal Featured Image" /></noscript>
    <img class="fl-photo-img" src="https://local.wordpress.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/5527cc7c08d02_input_1.jpg" alt="5527cc7c08d02_input_1" itemprop="image" />

    Now if we replace .*? by ([^<]+) we still match everything except a new opening tag and so it prevent the regex to spread accross multiple tags.

    So the resulting regex should be:


    With this you can even remove the s modifier as negative class always match new line character (see https://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php).

    You’ll also noticed that I added back the + after [\s\r\n] that was missing in my previous version.

    What do you think?

    Plugin Author dbhynds


    Ahah. So my original regex would match this:

    <img src="" /><noscript></noscript>Blah blah<br />

    because it looks for a “/>” ?

    Where as yours looks until a “>” and then checks for the <noscript> ?

    I think that makes sense. And yeah, that would be a good amendment to the code. I’ll incorporate it and release a new version this weekend.

    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter Nickness


    Yes exactly the original regex version would match all of this.

    The version I proposed just doesn’t match this:

    <img src="" /><noscript></noscript>

    because “<img…” is followed by “<noscript…”.
    And doesn’t match this neither:

    <img src="" /><noscript></noscript>Blah blah<br />

    because they are an "<" between "<img..." and "<br />". So it breaks at the "<" of "<noscript>"in fact.

    Glad I could help ??

    Plugin Author dbhynds


    Just released 0.4 with this implemented in it. Thanks for your help! I sincerely appreciate it.

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