• mrosedesign


    In the past week, the plugin has been very glitchy in preview mode. Text and images are getting cut off:

    See: https://prnt.sc/1zt80nd (half the text is cut out)
    See: https://prnt.sc/1zt8fma (not showing the first number)

    This is happening on at least 3 known sites, all on different hosts. Plugins are up to date. Seems like it’s the center preview that is messed up.

    Also noticed debug warnings start popping up that never did before. https://prnt.sc/1zt8nd3 What are these and how do you resolve them?

    Are these known bugs you’re working on? Thanks!

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  • @mrosedesign Thanks for getting in touch!

    I’d like to do some testing to try to recreate these issues. Can you please share the following info?

    1. What browser are you using for previewing Web Stories?
    2. Were you using a template in the screenshots provided here, or did you create our own story? If using a template, which one(s)?
    3. Can you please share your Site Health information privately via this form?
    4. Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    Also noticed debug warnings start popping up that never did before. https://prnt.sc/1zt8nd3 What are these and how do you resolve them?

    These messages simply mean you need to set a story poster image and a publisher logo in the story editor, as indicated by the pre-publish checklist.

    Thread Starter mrosedesign


    Hi Bethany,

    1) Using Chrome
    2) Using my own template. The ones having issues are the same format I’ve done a lot of others before, so it seems like more related to Preview mode than the actual template.
    3) I’ve shared site health from my own site where I have designed the templates stored for clients, but just as a note this issue is also happening on the client sites.

    Pascal – thanks for that!

    Adam Dunnage


    @mrosedesign Thank you for the information you have provided. With this we have been able to recreate similar issues to the ones you have experienced when using Chrome/Edge browsers.

    I have opened a new GitHub issue in the AMP repository to investigate this further, and will follow-up with any updates.

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