• I have a WordPress blog, not a Multisite, and everything was working fine. Several days ago, images stopped showing on the site, and in Meida -> Library too. All images are still in the folder /public_html/wp-content/uploads/2015/01

    wp-content, uploads, 2015, and 01 have permissions set to 755. Image files permissions are set to 644.

    Can you tell me what would I do from here, how to fix it / throubleshoot it?


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  • Hi :),

    Have you recently updated your WordPress version? If not then try reinstalling the WordPress from core-update.php

    Also try clearing the browser cache and cookies.

    Thread Starter json21


    I have the newest version of WordPress, and everything was working fine. I would say that this is caused by restarting MySQL server (up to several times a day). How would you go about fixing something like this.

    restarting MySQL server -> images on the server, but not in Media Library and on the sites (some of them show, some of them don’t).

    # # # EDIT:
    Link like this works, it displays an image in a browser:

    It does not work, when inserted into a post though.

    When I upload the same url to a different WordPress installation, within the post, and publish it, it is showing on that other site, no problems.

    So I am not sure if this has anything to do with the database, but it may be. Again, most of the images is not in the Media Library anymore, and most of them don’t show on the sites.

    There are images which show on the sites, but they are not in the Media Library…

    Thread Starter json21


    This actually looks like it is theme specific, as images show with a different theme (I tried Twenty Fifteen). Why would then not be in the Media Library though?

    ### EDIT
    This one is not in the Media Library, and it shows on the site

    The posts with images not showing, look something like this:

    This is a single post page. Everything works perfectly fine with this single post page on a different theme (Twenty Fifteen).

    a) It looks like it is something related to the theme
    b) Why there is no image files in Media Library anymore? (they all used to be there, I would say, all the images are on the server…)

    ### EDIT 2
    There is 6 posts on this example blog (there is issues on more than one). All of them have images. 2 of them show images on single post page, 4 of them don’t. There is just one image showing in Media Library for this blog, and this image does not get displayed on a single post page (one of the 4 that I’ve mentioned above).


    Thread Starter json21


    As far as I know / imagine all images should be showing in Media -> Library. I checked other themes that I have, and most of them have all the images there, and some of them don’t (some of them have just one – this was manually added post, and the other images that are there were added by CyberSeo plugin for WP). I have no idea what is going on with this.

    And it is not that CyberSeo does not add images to the Media Library. All the blogs have been made with this plugin, and all the image files are in Media->Library.

    I have no idea what might be going on.

    ### EDIT:
    This website worked perfectly (all images showing), and it now turned into something like this:


    Changing a theme on this blog, does not help. Images still don’t show.

    Thread Starter json21


    The issue can be looked at as Media Library not working, but I am not sure if this is 100% this, I am not sure. All images are still there, they are just not showing on the Media Library list. I can edit all the images in post editor / visual (icons over image after mousing over it). So they are all there, they are all on the server, but for some reason they don’t show on Media Library list, and the actual site…

    Thread Starter json21


    Site A:
    only 1 image out of 6 showing in Media Library
    switching to Twenty Fifteen theme solves the problem of images not showing on the site (single post pages, some posts), images still not in the Media library

    Site B:
    images don’t show on the main page, and single post pages, 0 images in all places of the website, 100% of images don’t show
    switching to a different theme (could be Twenty Fifteen) does not solve the problem, no images on the website still
    only one image in media library, it should be a lot more

    I have no idea how to fix site B, and why the two sites are different. It is separate WordPress installations on the same server. It is not a WP Multisite.

    Thread Starter json21


    On site B images don’t show in any place on the website, and I am also not able to access them through image url, something like:


    ### EDIT
    One more thing with this.

    When I enter this in a browser:


    it goes to a 404 error page, on a WordPress blog. When I shorten the url to https://www.punkrocklovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01 it displays a list of all the files. I can then click on rai-ko-ris-himalayan-frostbite-batattack-records-2003.jpg and it will show in a browser, just fine…

    I’m facing the same issue of images not being shown in the Media Library. But they show perfectly well on website and folder. Any luck digging out what the problem could be? I use Vigilance theme and the issue started about a week back.

    @screwywabbit – if you need help, it’s ALWAYS best to start your own thread as per:


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