• Alright, I’m hoping I can get some, if not all of these questions answered.

    Ok, currently my website revolves around blogging and I use wordpress to support this. (I have created my own css styles and everything. I also have a lot of experience with web building, but less so the programming side of it). That said, now I’m trying to bring more multimedia onto the site in addition to the blogs.

    On my front page, I’d like to have a larger picture showing (rotating between a few when refreshed) most popularly viewed pictures. I’d also like when a photo is posted, to be automatically listed as a thumbnail in a “new pictures” section. In addition, I’d like everything to be tagged, for easy searching and categorizing. And then finally, I’d like a listing of the actual wordpress entries on this same page.

    So I guess what I’m asking is
    1. Can I do what I said above?
    2. If so, can I do it using wordpress?
    3. Would I need plugins? Which ones?
    4. How should I handle posting/submitting these images if its for dynamic content? (may sound vague)

    If you can refer me to resources answering these questions, I’d greatly appreciate it. Or, if this is considered a “daunting” task, and can refer me to someone who I can affordably pay to do it, let me know.

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  • short answer is yes…

    I did the design thing… Now I am learning the programming thing.

    The best solution I found was using flickr.com on the backend to store photos (I bought the pro account) and using the falbum plugin to retrieve and display those photos within my blog. If you want to see it in action you can look at my photo section.

    falbum: https://www.randombyte.net

    my blog: https://www.fearlessgearless.com/
    my photos: https://www.fearlessgearless.com/photos/
    my setup: https://www.fearlessgearless.com/set-up/

    Note all of my pictures in my blog entries links to my embedded flickr album thanks to an additional admin side plugin (flickr post bar). – although it is a bit dated.


    This plugin displays photos from your flicr account in the post page and lets you even search by tags. When you set the plugin up you can give it the URL to use when it creates the link (i.e. link back to flickr or within your site). I also hacked this plugin so it would wrap the photos with a div tag of a specific class as well as insert the photo’s flickr title underneath. All in all this plugin means you can search and insert your flickr photos within the post page with a click of a mouse – good for efficient photo blogging.

    Random and Recent pictures
    Falbum has both a global random and global most recent photo function. I use the random photo function in my side bar. You can have these functions return any of the available flickr sizes (i.e. big as per your request. But the size available depends on your flickr account). Problem is that it returns them wrapped a div tag of a specific class (falbum-random) or wrapped in a list item tag. Currently, I wrote my own random photo function so that it would just return the essential bits (i.e. image URL, link URL) so I could incorporate random photos into my css style (i.e. I set the background picture from my flickr account and display the photo as a background of my header div – currently under development)

    Photo Tags
    Falbum also supports tags, since flickr supports tags. You can only set the tags in flickr however. For an example of tags:


    Finally, as for all the other things you wish to do all you may want to consider creating a home.php template file if you do not want the usual scrolling blog entries for your home page.

    – scroll down to “WordPress as a CMS”

    hope that helps some

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