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  • I have the same problem.
    Plugin Authors – do you know how to fix it?

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello SkyMaja

    I believe that new version 1.1.3 put out around the same time that you posted here will resolve that issue – see chnagelog

    It is not mentioned specifically in the changelog but is I believe fixed by the 10 Code tweaks released in versions 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 released in the last 6 days.

    Can you please make sure you are running the current version 1.1.3 – cleared any caching you are using on the site and test again.

    Please let me know if it is all OK on your site now or if the issue persists after doing those actions.

    Thank you – Steve

    Thank you for the answer, but I have still the same problem. I cleared cache on my browser and I don’t have any caching plugin.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello SkyMaja

    We cannot replicate that on our test environs – can you please post a link to page or post on your site that the slider is embedded by shortcode or added by a widget where we can see this behaviour and I will take a look at it for you.

    Thank you – Steve

    The website is under construction and it’s not public and we use slider on lesson units on e-learning platform and it also isn’t public.

    Can I send you login and password via e-mail?

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello SkyMaja

    Ok – you can the login and password creds from the a3rev contact page – Use the LIVE Chat to connect with us or leave the details in a message if we are not online.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello SkyMaja

    Just to update – we have found the bug and it comes not from the a3 Responsive Slider but from the Image Loader

    You can read about the issue here

    In the a3 Responsive slide we have the image loader value set to true


    What this does is
    As soon as at least two slides are ready the slideshow will initialize and begin, and the remaining slides will be added to the initialized slideshow as their images arrive.

    In other words it is a form of lazy load that enables the slider to load much faster. But and this is the bug as written on that cycle2 image loader page

    .. since the data-cycle-loader=true option instructs Cycle2 to add slides to the slideshow as they arrive from the server, the slides may be displayed in an order that is different than the markup.

    and that is what is causing the issue.

    On your site we changed it to the data-cycle-loader="wait" and this fixed the issue but sadly the fix is worse than the bug because

    … the data-cycle-loader="wait" option instructs Cycle2 to delay the slideshow initialization until all slides have loaded, there will likely be a very perceptible delay before the slideshow is visible.

    That is an understatement – it makes the slider horrendously slow to load – especially any slider that has a number of images in it.

    We have now put in just over 10 hours trying to find a ‘Fix’ for the loader issue without success.

    We have tried adding external functions and now are trying to either edit the cycle2 image loader or build one that does not have that bug.

    Will reach out to the cycle2 developer and see if we can work something out together in regards to this issue.

    Will update you here as we go along.

    Thank you – Steve

    Hi, Thank you for help and explanation. Actually, for us it’s better when it loads slowly, than when slides where in not correct order ??

    It would be great if this could load faster but anyway thank you for your time and help.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello SkyMaja

    re this:
    Actually, for us it’s better when it loads slowly, than when slides where in not correct order ??

    That is good because we have edited the plugin on your site and it is using the data-cycle-loader="wait" option for you. We tested it on your site – that is how we know in production with that attribute it reloads and shows the images in the order that you have set first to last every time.

    SkyMaja can I suggest that you install the a3 Lazy Load plugin – I think it will help you with the load speed of the slider (and all of your content).

    We are releasing a new version of that today with full support for Lazy load Videos – Youtube, Vimeo and HTML5 which will also help you site load speed with all of those Youtube videos you have.

    If you install it – please let me know if it helps with the slider load time – with you plugin and the data-cycle-loader="wait attribute. It might just be the workaround that is needed.

    Note: The a3 lazy Load new version with video support is 1.1.0 and it is due for release later today.

    Looking forward to hearing how that works for you with the slider load.

    Thank you

    Steve and the a3rev team

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