Hello SkyMaja
Just to update – we have found the bug and it comes not from the a3 Responsive Slider but from the Image Loader
You can read about the issue here
In the a3 Responsive slide we have the image loader value set to true
What this does is
“ As soon as at least two slides are ready the slideshow will initialize and begin, and the remaining slides will be added to the initialized slideshow as their images arrive. “
In other words it is a form of lazy load that enables the slider to load much faster. But and this is the bug as written on that cycle2 image loader page
“ .. since the data-cycle-loader=true
option instructs Cycle2 to add slides to the slideshow as they arrive from the server, the slides may be displayed in an order that is different than the markup.”
and that is what is causing the issue.
On your site we changed it to the data-cycle-loader="wait"
and this fixed the issue but sadly the fix is worse than the bug because
“… the data-cycle-loader="wait"
option instructs Cycle2 to delay the slideshow initialization until all slides have loaded, there will likely be a very perceptible delay before the slideshow is visible. “
That is an understatement – it makes the slider horrendously slow to load – especially any slider that has a number of images in it.
We have now put in just over 10 hours trying to find a ‘Fix’ for the loader issue without success.
We have tried adding external functions and now are trying to either edit the cycle2 image loader or build one that does not have that bug.
Will reach out to the cycle2 developer and see if we can work something out together in regards to this issue.
Will update you here as we go along.
Thank you – Steve