• I have recently downloaded version 2.0.7 to my custmoize wordpress site and have issues trying to upload images to new galleries.

    I am going to new gallery and then creating a gallery name and selecting and uploading images, they process and state that 4 images have successfully uploaded, but when I go to my gallery it says 0 images??

    I am at a loss please can someone help!


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  • Thrills 2 Chills Travel


    I am having the same issues as many others with the new upgrade and find it very frustrating. I am going to new gallery and then creating a gallery name and selecting and uploading images, they process and state that 4 images have successfully uploaded, but when I go to my gallery it says 0 images?
    I have made sure gallery names are correct, tried this but thumbnails do not show up either.
    You should provide us all a fix without us having to revert back to a previous version!
    The site I am having issues with is: https://lwmcc.com

    Thanks for any help you can help with.

    Have you renamed your gallery before uploading new photos?
    In my case I created a gallery and inserted some photos. Later on I recognized I missspelled the title. I managed galleries and corrected the title. Now I tried to upload more photos to this gallery. But they won’t show up – exactly: they showed up broken. I found out: They new photos I uploaded are stored in another folder – a new one created with the new name. And so they couldn’t be found in the origin gallery…

    I would appreciate a bugfix ??

    Thrills 2 Chills Travel


    I have checked again the names of the galleries to be sure of spellings and those are good. A problem I am having with is being able to add that photo gallery to the page I want. Error message “No input file specified” is given.
    I also manage another site and not going to update that site due to the problems with this newest version. The other site photo pages work just fine.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @thrills 2 Chills Travel: We just release an informal update that resolve the issue some are seeing with “No Input Specified”. If you are comfortable with FTP, you can grab the zip to update your site here:


    @daisy996: this should also address your issue.

    @rakupa: I think this will also address your issue.

    @doublesixx: As always, thanks very much for taking the time to jump in and help fellow users.


    Just trying to help out while you guys work to resolve the issues.

    Sadly the search feature on the forums isn’t so helpful. Wish WordPress would fix.

    Have a good one.


    I have a multisite and am trying to put a gallery on a page and I cant seem to make it work. have read other forums but they are all 2 years old and I dont know who to ask. Can you please please help…


    Thread Starter daisy996



    I have tried the beta update and I still have the same issue. Can you please offer an alternative or tell me how to upload an old version



    Sorry to reply so late. My server went bananas (Thanx GoDaddy this one was your fault !), took me almost 24 hours to resolve the problem.

    Seems like Multisite isn’t working for most people.

    I had intended to make a test server so I can test the new 2.x version. Hoping to do that today or tomorrow but I have a lot on my plate at the moment.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Hi there – yes, 2.0 is not fully multisite compatible and is going to be very buggy on subblogs. It’s on our agenda and we’re fairly close to fully multisite compatibility, but coming back to that is just on hold until we get through the current slate of issues for normal, non-multisite installs.

    Just FYI – 1.9.13 and other legacy versions prior to the latest big update were also not really multisite compatible and should have been very buggy if you tried to use them on sub-blogs.

    @daisy – there’s another beta update 2.0.11 available today. But if 2.0.10 didn’t address, I don’t suspect that will.


    If that’s still not working, I’d ask you to try one other thing. Can you please go to Settings > Permalinks and if you are using default permalinks, try another options like postname?

    If that still doesn’t work, either submit a bug report with login credentials and we’ll take a look or, yes, roll back for the time being.


    Yeah pictures aren’t being uploaded in version 2.0.11.


    yes my multi site is not working the next gen gallery. it says images have uploaded and shows the filename etc but no images are viewable. https://wardbenedict.com.au/newsite/weddings/?page_id=18

    would love some advice as I have a deadline on this site.

    I cannot upload images. I’m loading to one site (trying to) but get yellow triangle after each image, then 0 uploads.

    Justpurple… did you ever get it figured out? I need this for a wedding photography website as well. Please advise.

    This NEEDS to get resolved. Everyone is having the same problem! Why is NextGEN even selling NextGEN Pro?

    I have the same problem as remwpgca! I get a yellow triangle with an exclamation point and 0 uploads. It won’t upload ANYTHING, regardless of the file size.

    Can anyone help? I’ve sent an email to NextGEN. Still waiting a response.

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