Do not offer to pay for services or help on the forums, please use for this.
]]>Really too bad what happened to WP, with no free support whatsoever. At least you could add a WP run PAID support forum.
]]>But, if you want to offer to pay for support, as you did in the reply that the earlier moderator deleted, you need to go to and choose “Post Job” from the menu.
This is because, as the other moderator mentioned, offering to pay in the forums is a violation of the forum guidelines:
With all that said, the Classic Editor was replaced by the Block Editor years ago, so not much volunteer time is spent (or knowledge available to spend) on supporting the quite old Classic Editor. Perhaps it’s time to consider switching to the Block Editor?
In short, free support has always been available here, what things are supported actively is up to available volunteer time and knowledge, and offering to pay has never been allowed here.