• I have used Nivo Slider now for a couple years. My clients like it because it is easy to use.

    Thanks for your help on this because I want to continue to use your product.

    I keep running into the same problem with Nivo slider over and over. When at the year end, the image that were associated with a slide, stop displaying. In the admin the images do not display as well. BUT the images are in the uploads. In the Nivo admin there are 3 checks and x’s for the images BUT no images.

    This has now happened with a site when the month ends.

    There should be a slide show in the white box but every time the month changes the images disappear and the client has to re-associate them.

    So on May 31st the images in slide show displayed BUT on June 1st the images did not display.

    ALL other graphics in posts and thumbnails continue to work fine. I have worked with WP for 7 years and I have a good grasp on this in general.

    Thanks – i hope that you can help.



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  • Same here, just updated to WP 3.5.2 and WP Nivo Slider 3.1 sliders not showing anymore:


    This has been running for 2 years without issue.

    Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.

    Ignore my last, after deactivating all my plugins, and activating one at a time, still nothing worked.

    So I did think of the most illogical thing next as a last resort, I deactivated the theme and re-activate …boom…. all works fine again – odd!!!

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