• | testing on localhost Windows |

    my plugins folder is moved to a diff location instead of default ‘/wp-content/plugins’.
    now the problem is that the images are not being shown.

    now looking at the image URL, its pointing to ‘/wp-content/plugins/wp-admin-graphic-password/images/..’.
    so obviously, the issues wit plugins_url().

    i added define( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL', __DIR__ . '\plugins' ); to my wp-config.php and thats fixed.

    also i added sanitization code for effin windows:

    $image_url = plugins_url('images/', __FILE__);
    	foreach ( array('imagepath', 'image', 'image_url') as $var ) {
    		$$var = str_replace('\\' ,'/', $$var); // sanitize for Win

    but now the images are not fetched at all (earlier it was showing broken-image/improper URL). i echoed $image_url and thats proper.

    so now am guessing that theres something going on in SG_PrintCells() or other fn that i am unaware of..
    but i left debugging here.. wud be good if theres a fix for this..



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