• hello. i’m working on a blog registered to my boss. the address is https://www.iposephotography.com/blog

    she uses this blog for her photography business and we’ve chosen a theme that was listed as a photoblog.

    the problem: images which are inserted into posts do not appear when a user visits the site. if, however, one were to click on the title of the post, bringing the user to the post itself, the image displays fine.

    how can i fix this? i need the images to display from the blog’s main page. i don’t want visitors to have to click on each individual post in order to see the images.

    the top post, for example, “family time” contains an image. you won’t be able to see it when visiting the blog, but if you click the post itself it’ll reload in its own page and display the image fine.

    i’ve scoured the documentation, past post forums and multiple google searches to no avail.

    thank you very much,

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  • You have 2 options:

    1. Edit index.php template file in your theme and replace the_excerpt() with the_content(). Then edit each post and insert the <!--more--> tag where you want your posts’ excerpts/teasers to finish.

    2. Write a custom excerpt in the Excerpt field, under the post edit box. It can be as short, or as long, as you wish and can include images.

    Thread Starter jaysonwithay


    hello esmi, thank you for your reply.

    i looked into changing the_excerpt() tag before coming here, but wasn’t sure if that would fix my problem.

    i’m not familiar with css. i found this under the index.php file for my theme template:

    <div class="entrymeta">
    			<div class="postinfo">
    			<span class="postedby">Posted by <?php the_author() ?> | <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?></span>
    			<span class="filedto">Filed in <?php the_category(', ') ?> <?php edit_post_link('Edit', ' | ', ''); ?></span>
    			<?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »', 'commentslink'); ?>
    		<div class="entrybody">
    			<?php the_excerpt('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>

    what is the simplest way in which i can change the settings so that it’ll default to showing every image on the main blog page without clicking the posts? my boss will be the one updating the blog and i’m not sure she’d like to hassle with adding tags each time.

    our previous theme didn’t have this problem. this happened when we switched to the vinica theme.

    thank you very much for your time and assistance.

    Change <?php the_excerpt('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?> to <?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?> in index.php and then make use of the <!--more--> tag as needed.

    Thread Starter jaysonwithay


    esmi, i’m not sure what you mean.

    after every post we’ll have to type <!–more–> if we’d like the images to display? (after excerpt –> content)

    No – you’ll only need to use the <--more--> tag is you don’t want the full post to display on the various post listing pages (home page, category listings etc).

    Thread Starter jaysonwithay


    thank you very much, esmi. i can’t believe i didn’t try that. everything is working now, i appreciate your help.

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