• Resolved hermida


    I just upgraded to WordPress 3.0 from WPMU. The images on the site are not appearing: https://thethunderbird.ca/

    The images are in the directory:

    Could someone suggest which instruction I need to change to make the images work again?

    Many thanks.

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  • thank you for your help memitch08 but it doesn’t work for me. I give up for the moment ??

    I just uploaded a new file – and it works – the file is accessible. I’m thinking that the old file urls probably have to be updated in the database.

    I think it’s a issue with rewrite and my host. So I re-install wpmu 2…

    Well – it still doesn’t work for any sites other than site #1?

    When I try to upload media to blogs.dir/4/uploads – it creates a new directory entitled blogs.dir/4/files – which is inaccessible!

    This is driving me nuts!


    Look at this in ms-functions.php

    if (! is_subdomain_install() )
    		$illegal_names = array_merge($illegal_names, apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'blog', 'files', 'feed' ) ) );

    I have a subdiretory install which would explain why the term “files” is being discriminated against. Now the question is “how do I get a filter to fix it?” Anyone – someone?

    This woudl make total sense if everyone else was also have the same problem when running a subfolder install. But they are not.

    that banned named list is so you don’t make a yourdomain.com/files/ blog.

    I really really think it’s something to do specifically with your server.

    ?? That makes me sad.

    By the way- I just upgraded another site to 3.0 – and did not run any betas or RC’s – and that site has the same issue.

    I’ve had the exact same issue on 5 of my WPMU installs/upgrades.

    I don’t know what I could be doing any differently than anyone else – on all 5 of my installs/upgrades?

    I generally don’t personally use the media library anyway, but now need it for other users.


    Okay, let’s get you sorted out as this tread is muddied by everyone else with the “exact” same issue that really isn’t. ??

    – are your upgraded sites all on the same server?

    – when you upgraded from MU, did you remove the blogs.php file from the wp-content folder AND update the htaccess file?

    – can you visit any of the pretty permalinks?

    Ok – thanks –

    1. Yes all on the same server
    2. Yes – removed the blogs.php
    3. Yes – updated the .htaccess file as directed
    4. I don’t know of any other pretty permalinks. I do know that when I changed the “files” directory to “uploads” directory – and changed all of the urls and updated the .htaccess file – then I could visit uploads/2010/06/file – but only on the root site – not on any others.

    4. I don’t know of any other pretty permalinks.

    ding ding ding! ??

    Permalinks – the URLs of your entires in a readable format, like mysite.com/2010/06/hello-world/.

    Go to the main site. Click on a link, like hello world or about. Does it work?

    yes – those all work. I thought you were talking about the magically re-written ones.

    I don’t know if I said I have the *exact* same problem. ?? When I say I have the same problem I mean the outcome – not the cause. I don’t know code, and have been desperately trying to find an answer.

    So here is my problem as I know it in the simplest form:

    I noticed a problem after upgrading to 3.0 when all of my images disappeared. I’ve discovered that any directory named “files” returns a 404 page. Whether that directory is in the root folder – or in blogs.dir/#/files. The word “files” is being discriminated against – and that directory is inaccessible.

    Can we get a link to your site?

    In all the other upgrades I’ve done, I can’t reproduce this issue. Yes, I understand the *outcome* you’re experiencing.

    I’m looking at it from a *code* perspective.

    On a working-as-expected upgraded site running 3.0 with the network enabled, trying to access the /files/ folder directly will always result in a 404. But the images will show.
    (need a link? I can give you several.)

    So, testing that part specifically won’t help.

    Sometimes even though mod_rewrite is enabled and permalinks aren’t working, images fail to show because in fact the htaccess file is being ignored.

    Please check and make sure Apache is forced to read it. ?? Ask your webhost if you can’t get in there, or add
    AllowOverride FileInfo Options
    to the vhost entry for that web account.

    99% of the time, this has fixed the issue.

    I think I’m having a similar problem. With my main site I have no issues with my images, but when I create a new sub-site no images show up anywhere. Not in themes preview. Not in custom headers. Even the header image in 2010 is missing. None of my blog posts have images associated with them. This problem is related only to the new site created.


    @kayless can you start a new thread? Your issue is slightly different. make sure you link to your blog.

    Ok – Andrea – Don’t Shoot Me!

    But I fixed the problem –

    I thought I read that the file was to be called .htaccess.dist – so that is what I had it named.

    But in fact – it is supposed to be .htaccess

    In my FTP program – the .htaccess file is hidden – so when I uploaded the new .htaccess.dist – it just sat there and did nothing.

    So – I had to delete the hidden .htaccess – and upload the new one – and presto! Amazing I can’t believe my eyes – all of my images are back!

    Thanks for your patience and help! :))

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