Hello @kfashionskkd
I hope you’re well today!
This is happening usually in two cases:
1) if after images are already smushed, some configuration options on “Smush -> Bulk Smush” page are changed so that’s something you might want to make sure about: that you don’t change any settings between after smushing is completed and clicking “re-check images”
2) if there’s some sort of additional cache interfering – in such case it would be “messing up” with stats; if you got any caching plugins installed, try clearing all cache after bulk smushing and before re-checking images; please also check about any server-side cache as this is (especially object cache and similar) most common reason for such behavior.
If none of that helps or is an issue, please check if images are actually smushed by
– going to Media Library
– switching it to “List view” (instead of “Grid view”)
This should show additional “Smush” column which will show “View stats” if a given image was already optimized and “Smush” if it wasn’t. You can this way confirm if the images weren’t really optimized or if it’s an issue of false “stats” after using “re-check images” option.
Could you check it, please, and update us here?
Best regards,