• Resolved cindy123


    I installed photodropper and all seemed fine at first. Now I have issues such as freezing on saving image, failure to save, and now most recently, images not going out in RSS and not showing up on my blog consistently. Instead of images there is a horizontal striped box. This is quite unprofessional looking on my sites. Clicking the box brings it to the article with the image in tact on the blog. However, some times the image does not appear on blog, and sometimes the same image will appear properly.

    Please look at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Daily-Prepper-News/213843968761773?ref=hl

    The images that used to be there have disappeared and been replaced with the squares.

    One day they appear on the blog properly, some days they appear like on the facebook. But they show up fine on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/114841274501046361526/posts

    Please provide some insights to this issue and cures?

    Thank you!


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  • The facebook posts that show a striped image go to posts that do not have an image imbedded, instead they have a video.

    PhotoDropper can find and download an image that can be inserted into a post, but after that, the image is hosted by your blog and not by PhotoDropper. If your image disappears at some point, then there’s something going on with your WordPress install or theme. Do you have an example of an image in a post that is showing the striped box? I’ll see if I can help you figure out the issue.

    Thread Starter cindy123



    If there is a video embedded it displays the striped box. I would prefer it displays nothing or a thumbnail.

    It has issues sometimes on Google+ and LinkedIn.

    https://plus.google.com/u/1/102870782124703304950/posts Here on Google+ it posts the wrong image sometimes.

    https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joshua-livengood/66/876/ab6/ Here on LinkedIn it doesn’t show images I uploaded, only images from photodropper.

    And, the troubles are not consistent. They will work some days and not others. But when they don’t work, they don’t work for a period of days.

    What else I can do to make sure the images are posted correctly. I use hootsuite to post to linkedin and google+. RSS Graffiti for facebook.

    Thank you for looking at this.

    I would suggest adding an open graph image tag to your pages a default for the pages with video only. The image you specify in the open graph tag can be any image, not necessarily one that appears on the page.

    PhotoDropper is merely a tool to insert photos into your posts. I know when you manually post on Facebook you can select from a couple of thumbnails of images that appear on the page. With posting through HootSuite you may loose the ability to choose. With the open graph image tag, you’re specifically designating which image to use.

    Thread Starter cindy123


    Thank you. Researching that now.

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