• The File Upload says it has uploaded an image. It does not.
    If I upload an image myself using ftp, WP will not display the image.
    Both tried, no success. These paths have worked, and do work, with other programs, so I know they are correct.
    pix folder is CHMOD 766.
    It looks like both the upload and the display are wrong somewhere.
    Viewing Source shows the correct url.
    There is no .htaccess interfering with this.
    I’ve checked ALL the options more times than I’ve played SSX3 (and that’s a LOT!).
    Using 1.0.1 RC, though I have tried replacing upload.php with the platinum version, and still it won’t work.
    This fault is staring to drive me nuts now …… really !

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  • podz,

    This fault is starting to drive me nuts now ….. really!

    I’ve not noticed a difference! ??
    This is frustrating, to be sure. I have successfully uploaded one picture, but that was NOT with the current version. I’ll try this later today and see what result I get.

    I am having exactly the same problem as podz. Verified the path, verified the chmod of 766… using WP 1.1.

    I’m not saying it shouldn’t work – obviously it should, but have you thought about using a web ftp client if you don’t want to use a normal ftp client?
    I guess I don’t know why people use the file upload…

    Because we don’t feel like separately firing up our ftp app, selecting the right site, navigating to the appropriate folder, and then shutting down our ftp app again? ??

    Because it’s there and available….

    I’m having the exact same problem.
    I’ve tried each with a trailing backslash, and it worked. Since then, it hasn’t worked again. I’ve tried different variations of the to: no slash at the beginning of the abs. path, chmod on the directory to 777, and still no dice.
    I’m running 1.01 miles.
    Alex, for some people blogging at work, where there are firewalls and certain ports block, it’s easier to use the “upload file” option because it works through port 80. Quite often the only port open on some corp. firewalls.

    I have quite the same problem :((
    But in 0,72 it was working for me : did somebody tried the old upload.php file ?

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    Still stumped.
    If I ftp an image, I can get it to display without a problem.
    If I use the upload, all still looks fine, but it ain’t.
    This morning I’ve changed permissions, moved the image folder, checked paths and still no joy.
    I looked at my server logs, and when I make changes, I see a POST command, as I should.
    I do see the upload.php active, but what I don’t see is any evidence of an image being transferred. Should I ? My knowledge of server logs is poor at best, but I thought that if a serverside program initiated a change (as opposed to me ftping something) it would show up in the log. I could well be wrong on this …
    I’ve tried this now on an upgraded 1.0.1RC from 1.0 Platinum, and a fresh 1.0.1RC install.
    Not sure what to try next …..

    i’m having a problem using the image upload as well. here’s what’s going on for me.
    My images directory permissions are set at 766. When I use the upload funtion in WP, it successfully uploads the image into the correct directory, however, it won’t display the image until i change the permissions on the newly uploaded file to 766. once those permissions are changed, the image displays without a problem…

    Mine says it’s uploaded succesfully with a filesize of 0k.

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    Problem for me is that the picture never makes it to the directory, despite the success message.

    Same here. It’s a succsseful xfer, but, nothing gets uploaded.
    Hence the…
    Your uploded has been successful….
    Filename: blahblahblah
    File Size: (Zero)K

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    I’ve no idea if this may help someone track what’s going down …..
    PHP is 4.3.3
    open_basedir has no value set (local or master)
    If I watch firewall traffic, I can see that something is leaving my computer.
    If I load a 258K jpg, I get a successful message, but a file size of zero K, and no upload.
    If I load a less than 96K jpg, I get a successful message, but nothing gets to the /pix dir.
    I have checked and rechecked my paths, and put those in from my server information screens.
    I have chmod the dirs 766 / 777 to no avail.
    I have moved the /pix dir both in and out of the WP dir.
    I looked at the upload.php (1.o.1.RC) and saw a reference to a ‘tmp’ dir. Not knowing anything, I created one in mainhtml, then in the wp dir, then in the admin dir. Nothing passed through them either (Not that I thought it would – I was grasping at straws making those).
    I have this idea that somewhere, a little collection of images is building up slowly but surely as I keep trying, but I’ll be damned if I know where they are ………
    I can use ftp, and to be honest I don’t blog many images, but now it’s just one of those things that bugging me – know what I mean ?

    I can use FTP as well. It’s not a big deal having to use a third party app.
    My irk is that, the options is there and it’s available. Regardless, it should work.

    Sounds like a hangover from b2 that nobody wants to delete because people will accuse them of ‘removing features’. I recommend you post a request for an upload hack and hope one of the community takes it on.

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