• Hi there! I am using WP Vantage Theme to build my website techgouru.gr, it is not online yet, I am currently running it with XAMPP. Anyway, I am facing a weird problem.
    My website width is 1200px and I am using 1200px PNGs to make a SiteOrigin Slider widget. I see that every PNG image I upload shows good in the media library, but when i use them in the slider, they are getting a compression, although I have configured the compression to be 100% with WP Resized Image Quality plugin (it says JPEG though, i dont know if it applies to pngs).
    I believe the images do not stretch since they have the same width with the site.
    Let me point also that a Site Origin Image widget shows the image as it is, where the Site Origin Slider compresses them…
    How can i solve this please? I know that it may influence the site performance but i still want to have the option though.
    Thank you in advance.

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