• i am reposting this because i cannot find any help and the image/media sticky suggestions i don’t fully understand. please any help would be so, so, so appreciated!


    i am brand new to wordpress, i am not an html person so please speak slowly. every time i try to put an image in a post i get this message:

    ““DSC00009.JPG” has failed to upload due to an error
    The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06″

    my first post with images was successful, i don’t know what happened. i didn’t change anything between my first post and now.

    here’s my blog: https://www.wordshopdenver.com/blog

    update: images uploading fine to my text box in my sidebar. so i tried again inside of a post and got this message:

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Passed data is not in ‘JPEG’ format in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Couldn’t create GD Image Stream out of Data in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Passed data is not in ‘JPEG’ format in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Couldn’t create GD Image Stream out of Data in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Passed data is not in ‘JPEG’ format in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: Couldn’t create GD Image Stream out of Data in /home/wsjill/public_html/blog/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    it IS a .jpg! i am looking at it right now! please help!

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  • It might look like a .jpg file but I think it’s not a .jpg file. Try re-saving the file in a graphics application and ensure that you use standard encoding (or optimised for web use).

    I’m getting a similar error on line 253 although it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the file type (which is just fine, I checked).

    I’m running WP 3.0.1 on hostgator.

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 68943872) (tried to allocate 18120 bytes) in /home/username/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 253

    I’ve bumped up the memory limits to levels that are completely ignorant and that doesn’t help either. I’m not new to wordpress. ??

    Hi WordPress,

    I have the same error message with my host, Hostgator.

    “Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated XXXX) (tried to allocate YYY bytes) in /home/username/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 253”

    After several phone calls and emails to Hostgator’s technical department I quickly received the following response:

    “This is being caused by the pixel size of the image using all of the available memory for the account. You will need to resize the image to be able to upload it without this error.” –> My account has 64mb memory apparently.

    How can this be? I upload an image that is 3.5mb with a dimension of 3872×2592 and I get an error message in WordPress. Please note that the images do upload even though an error occurs. I can’t however resize the images at all.

    I’m not completely satisfied with the Hosts error reasoning.

    Doesn’t WordPress automatically resize images whilst uploading them?
    I’m not really prepared to pay for premium hosting when the system crashes on a 3.5mb image upload.

    I’d be happy to hear the communities thoughts.

    I’m running WordPress 3.0.1 with AutoFocus+ Pro 1.3



    The error happens when resizing the image (the process), not when uploading it. There’s is not an space problem. To resize a big image it takes a “lot” of memory. That’s the problem. I’m trying to fix it.

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