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  • Rodrigo Lima


    Tenta atualizar o plugin pra nova vers?o lan?ada hoje (1.23.1), que tem uma corre??o para o problema. Eu tava com um problema similar na vers?o da semana passada.

    OBS: eu n?o fa?o parte do suporte, só estou tentando ajudar (ainda mais em português hehe).

    @fagn Thank you for your report. We are currently investigating this issue and will update you once we have more information.

    @fagn We believe to have fixed the issue. Could you try installing this current development version of the plugin to see if this fixes the poster image issue?

    We plan on releasing a new release shortly with this fix if it works as intended.

    @fagn We’ve recently released an updated version of the Web Stories plugin (v1.23.2) which includes the fix mentioned above. Please update to the new version and confirm if the issue has been resolved on your end as well. Thank you!

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