• I was wondering if others are having problems with uploading images in WordPress. I am using the latest version of WP 3.3.2 but I was also having the problem in 3.3.1. I’m using the latest Chrome browser software. Every time I try to upload a photo (in any format .jpg, .png, etc) I usually get an “HTTP error” box after the upload failed. However, I don’t know what the problem is all the time.

    I have switched the image uploader to Chrome based and that worked for a little while but then I started getting error messages there as well. I’m not sure if the error might have something to do with the way the name of the file is saved. For example, if the image is saved on my computer as “homepage banner” instead of “homepage-banner.png” does that make a difference?

    I get the error messages whether I use the drag-and-drop feature or the “Select Files” button to upload the image. I fully realize that it just might be me but I have seen some posts on the forum about problems with .png files (which I like to use a lot especially for transparent background photos).

    *Yes, I have disabled my purchased theme and all plugins (to just the bare WordPress program and I still get the error message).

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  • I thought I was the only one! I’m having the exact same problems, and I checked with my server (on dedicated), all browsers and it keeps giving me the HTTP error too.

    This is the first time this has happened so hopefully there’s an answer.

    I am having the same problem after the update to WP 3.3.2. We are using WordPress because we are NOT techies. I need help with fixing this. Thanks in advance.

    I just disabled Smushit plugin and I can now upload image files again.

    wow, who would’ve thought the plugin to help you minimize image load would turn out to be the problem? thanks for the update on that. I just disabled and images uploading like they were before.

    guess the WP update didn’t agree with the SmushIt plugin. Hopefully they’ll update that one soon too.

    I upgraded to 3.3.2 a few days ago and I was uploading files just fine. Then today I kept on getting the HTTP error in any browser I used. I found this post and disabled SmushIt and now it works again just fine. Too bad because I really liked SmushIt, hope they update it.

    Smush.it as well here. Thanks for the help!

    @neckar — I’m with you. Great plugin, although over the last three years, I’m realizing that plugins in general cause me more headaches than help.

    tell me about it. I used to have 17 different ones thinking they were optimizing my site better, but now down to just 5.

    Smushit it was, I have been dealing with this issue all afternoon. Thanks guys!! Now my site https://adondeirhoy.com is good and going. Wonder if after uploading and re activating the plugin I will get an error? Need those pics downsized. Will keep you posted.

    Nope, I get this error when trying to smush a photo

    Operation timed out after 25000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

    Hi all, I have the same problem (HTTP Error using image uploader) but I don’t even have smushit. I have a basic fresh installation of wordpress 3.3.2. Any ideas? is it wordpress?

    I have been using smush.it for ages, but recently experiences this exact problem “http error” on uploading and “Operation timed out after 25000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received” when manualling trying to smush from “media”. When I disable the plugin, I can upload just fine without error. What is the fix????

    Yes same eror mine too..”HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request”…I had already smush it…after deactivate it all are runs good,but suddenly same error…then I do same process..but nothing happend….please help me…waiting for help…

    I confirm the issue is related to WP smushit. I just deactivated it after reading this post and this one:

    and the thumbnail images are now being created.
    Thanks for reporting this



    Dear All,
    i am having some issure regarding Image Uploading. on my web https://www.kids-awareness.com.
    it was working fine but since last month whenever i try to ad new post image shows blank after uploading and also did’nt show in post. Kindly help me in this matter.
    I read the posts regarding smushit plugin but i don’t have installed the plugin so guide me please what to do.

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