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  • I have the same problem in 2.9.

    No plugins. Default theme. Uploader works one day. Stops working the next.

    WordPress needs a onestep “downgrade” button to revert back to previous versions because they always break something major and it takes months to fix it.

    But I guess you get what you pay for.

    I think it may be time to investigate some other (not free) options. I’d gladly pay not to have headaches like this.



    Had the problem with the broken link icon. Upload fine and image appeared in the edit image section, but not in the post. Path was ok, but cmod setting on the wp-content folder was wrong.

    After changing the cmod on the wp-content folder from 766 to 755 the image appeared in my post and everything is ok.

    hope this helps, but I am sure this is too simple for all the problems that is described here.

    I’ve had the same problem and found a solution that worked for me earlier in this thread from Taracauc:

    I’ve had this problem for each of my wordpress installs and I have finally figured it out.


    On your server in directory in wp-content folder create a new folder call ‘uploads’

    Then login to wordpress and under the Settings –>Miscellaneous
    there is a section asking ‘Store Uploads in this folder’ enter wp-content/uploads (even if it says something else or is blank)

    This worked (finally!) for me

    It worked for me also on two of my blogs. Once I changed the setting to wp-content/uploads (the default), I was able to upload images.

    I was having the problem in WP 2.9.2 upgrade. I took the following steps that worked for me. I deleted the folders includes and admin in my old installation of wp and then uploaded the new version. I then followed

    I’ve had the same problem and found a solution that worked for me earlier in this thread from Taracauc:

    I’ve had this problem for each of my wordpress installs and I have finally figured it out.


    On your server in directory in wp-content folder create a new folder call ‘uploads’

    Then login to wordpress and under the Settings –>Miscellaneous
    there is a section asking ‘Store Uploads in this folder’ enter wp-content/uploads (even if it says something else or is blank)

    This worked (finally!) for me

    It worked for me also on two of my blogs. Once I changed the setting to wp-content/uploads (the default), I was able to upload images.
    but his method did not work for me. The media buttons were usable, but when creating the directory for the image I received an error message that the directory couldn’t be created. So, I went to the uploads folder and noticed a folder for 2010. I looked inside the folder and saw all my previous images. Also, there was a folder for 05 which I’m assuming was my May posts. There was nothing in the folder. I deleted it. Then placed my original configuration for my upload folder back:
    /home1/rootfoldername/public_html/domainname/wp-content/uploads, refreshed the page, then posted an article, used the buttons and they worked! The folder was created for the new image (which again was named 05)with no problems and now everything works fine.

    I was also having a problem with my tags. They were also greyed out and I couldn’t add them to the post. When typing them in they would insert over the text when normally the text in the box would disappear. If I clicked on the button to add tags, it would appear to be adding, but nothing happened.

    Even when you do a quick edit, they show up on that page, but they are really added to your post. So that is not a fix. I hope this helps.

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