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  • Same issue, no resolution, but I’m calling yahoo hosting as they have had database connection issues all week that they claim are ‘resolved.’

    I am inserting this in every open query on this topic, as it actually solved the problem. This happens because one of the databases gets locked. You have to use PHPMyAdmin tool (available from your host most likely) to review the status of all the databases in use for your site. Select the ‘wordpressblog’ (or whatever set of databases seem appropriate) from the list at left. This brings up all the databases running on your site. The particular database that caused this problem was wp_postmeta – the status in the PHPMyAdmin window was ‘in use,’ and as our databases are small this should never be the case when you can look at them and see them in use – they should be just sitting there. Here it was locked. In the PHP MYAdmin tool, check the particular database that’s in use, then on the drop down box at the bottom select ‘repair table.’ This instantly solved my problem. Thanks to yahoo support rep!

    Moderator cubecolour


    Doug-O stop pasting the same stuff into old topics.



    Some of these threads do not show that any resolution has been achieved for this problem, and there is more than one.. If I find information that I believe helps others, and that information is not included in that thread, then I will post it. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but my posts are constructive.

    Moderator cubecolour


    you appear to be searching for old posts & posting the same information again & again. Please stop doing that it does not help.

    I have this issue and an other one. All images lost their alt text… and it does not get saved even if i try to save it again… All galleries stoped functioning, I think because image size is 0x0 …. wtf?!?!

    Well… just so Doug-O doesn’t feel too chastised, his solution did in fact help me.

    I found my problem. I installed the last wordpress version and it crashed the table wp_postmeta. I talked to my hosting providers and they repaired it. Now the pictures have the right sizes…

    As Nick said, Dou-O’s solution worked. Repairing the wp_postmeta table through PHPMyAdmin worked treat.

    Also, to save you reuploading all your images, try using the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

    Thank you Doug-O! I give you great credit for going back and posting to all of these old threads as I wouldn’t have fixed it without your help!!! Cubecolour…he as trying to be helpful and was very successful!

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