Hi @mecsys,
You can certainly move the images beneath the content inside of the timeline by tweaking the included template file. You would jsut need to copy over the proper template from inside the plugin root (/wp-content/plugins/timeline-express/templates/) and drop it into a timeline-express/ directory inside of your theme root (wp-content/themes/theme-name/timeline-express/).
Then you can make any alterations to the template file inside of your theme root, and that template file would then be loaded and used to render the timeline content.
With that being said, you would just need to move the templates/timeline-express-container.php
into your theme root at the above path, and move this line down beneath .the-excerpt
It should be a fairly easy adjustment once you’ve copied over the template into your theme root.
As for the images, there are two routes you can take. The first is to register a custom image size, and use the included filters to tweak the image size that is referenced.
Out of the box a custom image size, ‘timeline-express’, is referenced – but can easily be tweaked to reference any image size you have registered on your site.
Another option is to adjust the CSS that is setting the images on the timeline to 100%. Setting them to a max-width
with a px value would help workaround the issue, but would no longer be full width inside of the announcement container.
.timeline-express .announcement-banner-image {
max-width: 400px;
The above would do the trick, but the first method would allow for the larger image at a higher resolution to be referenced – but either way will work.
Let us know how that goes and if you need some additional help.